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Bonnyrnan Careless
• The driver of the Eastern Scottish coach which crashed into a traffic queue on the M6 in October last year, killing 13 people and injuring 42 others was acquitted this week of......
• A Row Has Broken Out Between Bosses Of The
Metro in Newcastle and the newly privatised Busways Travel Service. Metro's bosses claim a new Faresaver ticket issued by Busways is confusing travellers, since it only allows......
• Metro Canuneli Weymann Is Playing Its Cards Close To
its chest over sales of the new MCW Metro Rider, which was launched at last month's Motor Show. At the time of the show, MCW announced it had won 23m worth of orders for the......
Glasgow Bus Troubles Set To Continue
• Glasgow's deregulation bus troubles seem set to continue — at least in the short term — following the decision last week by Scottish traffic commissioner Hugh McNamara not to......