14th July 1967, Page 47
14th July 1967
Page 47
Page 47, 14th July 1967
New Transceiver
QMALL ENOUGH to fit into the normal L.3 radio "cut-out" in a vehicle dashboard, a new all-transistor A.M. mobile transceiver should prove useful in ambulances, security vans and......
A '3 D' Trolley
A BATTERY trolley known as the Stereo ra. because of its "3 D" ability—it cairies the largest type of vehicle battery, a carboy of acid, and a 5-gallon drum—has been introduced......
New Equipment
and publications TNTRODUCED by Smith's Delivery Vehi cles Ltd., at a recent maintenance course, a new Inverter, type 36-0-1, is suitable for batteries of 15/18 cells with an......