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Excess Of Transport Might Not Justify Licence Refusal
VEN if an objector established that existing or prospective facilities were, or would be, excessive, an application for a licence would not necessarily be refused, said Mr.......
B.t.c. Sales: Yes Or No
U TNSUCCESSFUL tenderers for %.-- 1 transport units will be notified at The same time as those whose offers have been accepted. This point has been established as a result of......
Nickel Freed
A LL restrictions on the use of nickel have been removed by the Ministry of Supply and the Board of Trade. The Minister of Supply has withdrawn the Alloy Steel Directions......
Wage Cut Claim For Arbitration
A MEETING of the National Council I - % for the Omnibus Industry, representing company bus undertakings and the unions, decided in London last week to refer to a conciliation......
Labour Returns To Attack
T HE Opposition was expected in the House of Commons on Wednesday to call for the annulment of the order dealing with hire-purchase agreements for the acquisition of vehicles......