10th July 1970, Page 53
10th July 1970
Page 53

Page 53, 10th July 1970
Transport Education Index
ABINGDON North Berks Coll of F E, Northcourt Rd, Abingdon; tel Abingdon 1585 /8. M. Comely, Principal. loT Grad, RSA Dip, loTA Grad. Half day per week. Short courses on specific......
Container Commentary
by Norman M. Douglas A monthly intelligence report on container topics Overcoming those snags THE ADVANTAGES of containerization are said to be many for shippers and operators.......
Correspondence Courses
International Correspondence Schools Ltd. Intertext House, Stewarts Rd, London SW8. loT Grad and AM 1TA Grad. Fees from £25 for full course. Payments can be made by instalments.......