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E are not at all happy about the present Government's attitude towards road transport. Its professions are friendly, but the...
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I T is interesting to follow the rapid development of the free-wheel device for private cars, and we have hopes that it will...
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That next to nothing is being said about legal avoidance of the petrol tax. That the platforms for this year's General...
Scene: A country inn half-way up a bill. Enter a lorry driver hurriedly. Seeing at the bar the other driver whom he was...
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The wheels of wealth will be stowed by an difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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LIVERPOOL Town Council has received sanction to borrow £88,000 for the provision of 50 motorbuses. SHEFFIELD Corporation has...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. Setback to Commercial-vehicle Progress...
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Hints to Designers Based Upon Fragments of Conversation Between Members of an Imaginary Club. MHIS club would be open only to...
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Another very successful year has been experienced by Conveuton's, Ltd., of 112a, Junction Road, Upper Holloway, London, N.19,...
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MEDIUM CAPACITY. T HEpopularity of the British-built rigid-frame six-wheeler is rapidly increasing, and it is being realized...
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Being a Section of the Report of the Railways and Transport Committee of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce. A MOST...
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SINGLE-DECK BUS BODY. Some Details of Four Popular Types, Showing how the Seats may be Arranged with due Regard to Economy of...
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What They Are and How They Are Obtained. Assist the Reader in Employing T c Examples of Costing Problems which Will able...
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A Novel System in which the Four-wheel Brakes are Operated Through the Medium of a Suction-controlled Servo Cylinder. T EIF...
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/NNE of the most interesting uses to 'L./which the motorvan has recently been put is in connection with the transport of...
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Details of an Interesting Type of Vehicle which Permits the Easy Handling of Goods and is Taxed at £25 per Annum. TN producing...
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O N of the problems which for many N years to come must face the primary producer and the merchant alike throughout the whole...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. AN IMPORTANT BUS AND RAIL COMBINE. The Great Western Railway...
A Description of the Latest Vehicle to be Put Into Service by a Firm which Has Done Much to Popularize a Longdistance Route....
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An Enterprising London Firm Provide Facilities Which Vie with those of the Railways. " T ONDON to Birmingham non IA stop " is...
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A Big Gathering of Prominent Transport Men Marks the Demonstration Run of a Vehicle which was Fully Described in our Last...
W E have received from The British Science Guild a report of the committee appointed by it to consider what steps might be...
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Some Points About Running Costs That Are Often Misunderstood. A VERY interesting letter was received by me recently from a...
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A NEW edition, the fourth, of "The Motor Electrical Manual," revised and reillustrated, Itas just been intro duced. It is a...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. THE brake described in specification. No. 301,157 by C. F. Cleaver and...