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T HE development of the trolley-bue is proceeding ' more rapidly than some people in the commereial-motor industry would seem...
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Of the higher purchasing power of money. Of h.p. as horse power and hire-purchase. However, that where there's a bill, there's...
It was in a bus which is in regular service along Rosebery Avenue. The conductor naturally knew our face and aounted on our...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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T HEprincipal speaker at the annual dinner of the Leeds and County Motor Transport. Association, which was held at the Griffin...
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The Body is Reversed, and Provided with Dummy Radiator, Bonnet, Dash, Steering and Controls, and Appears to be Reversing when...
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Bloemfontein in South Africa Leads the Way in Speedy and Comfortable Public Service Vehicles. O NE OF the new slogans...
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Methods of Accounting the Running Costs and Standing Charges. The Correct Classification of Certain Outgoings. T HE tables of...
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Why the Old Type of Sprag isUnre A Suggested New Forn ly Exchanges One Risk for Another. th. Interesting Features.. T HAT NO...
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The Final Stage in a Five Years' Litigation. The Hearing in the House . of Lords of the Appeal in the Case of the...
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A Well-tried Wheel which Minimizes Road Wear Caused by Traction Engines and Road Locomotives. T HOSE WHO are edngaged in the...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. An Ingenious Convertible Body. Divided and Hinged Side Panels...
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-low Modern Designers are Studying the User's Convenience. Making it Easy to Keep a Vehicle in Good Repair. Accessibility Which...
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The Salesman's Task, When Orders Can be Obtained Again, will be More Competitive than Constructive, says "The Inspector." The...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford "). E VERY driver should, to my notion, be able to undertake running...
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The Importance of an Understanding of the Mechanical Principles. "T RACTOR PRINCIPLES" is the title of a, book writ,en by...
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The Part Piayed by Road Transport in the Fruit-growing Districts of Evesham. EW DISTRICTS in Great Britain have benefited more...
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M OTOR USERS are very directly concerned with the expenditure of money on road maintenance and road improvement. The motorin g...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. C ONTRIBUTIONS are invited for this page...
On the 30 cwt. Albion the rear wheel driving flan g es are each provided with two e 'sin. tapped holes, into which setscrews...
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A Page for Drivers. Mechanics and Foremen. Removing Stubborn Valve Caps, The sender of the follouving communication has been...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. The inventor of the carburetter which Is desCribed in patent specification No....