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The fortnightly census of Metropolitan public-service motor vehicles, which this journal has taken for close upon eighteen...
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By Herbert Guthrie.--concluded from page 96. For the heavy types of wheel-bearings, under these conditions, no less than four...
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Exclusive Particulars. Much interest will attach to this, the first published account of the 1907 type motor omnibus chassis...
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Conducted by EDMUND DANGERFIELD. Editor ; E. SHRAPNELL SMYTH. Manager ; ERNEST PERMAN. ofi;ce. 7 - 15. Rosehery Avenue,...
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Vehicles Suited for Hackney Carriage Service in London. The numerous cars in the Town Motor Carriage Competition, organised by...
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Comparison of the " Vanguard " report with Prospectus Statements. The long-expected report of the directors of the London...
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This journal !asters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches; it is recognised and supported by...
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Reliable Vehicles Available.—New Business Attracted.— Prompt Delivery of Goods Secured. Economies Realised. This section or...
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The Proprietors of Tottenham House Furnish Valuable Facts about their Lacre Vans. The first number of this journal, which was...
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From Town and Country Users of Motorvans. From PEEK, FREAK AND COMPANY, LIMITED, Biscuit Manufacture i rs, Drummond Road,...
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Time Wasters Who Obstruct Traffic. The Editor," THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :--The article on " Overtaking on the Near Side,"...
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By David J. Smith. Continued from page 108. 1. le previous instalment of this series, the use of superheated steam with...
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An Unlucky Run with a Steam Wagon. " R.S." (Coventry) sends the following communication :— • ' I have had some experience in...
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STEAM GENERATOR.—Mitchell.— No. 27,067, dated December 28th, 1905— The coils (13) of the generator are disposed in spiral form...