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18th June 1937
18th June 1937
Page 1
Page 1, 18th June 1937

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The Way of the Transgressor

How Drivers a nd Vehicle Operators Offended Against Roadtransport Law During I 936 A STUDY of offences reWing to motor vehicles...

Light on the Container Problem

UFFORTS are being made to obtain some , V clarification of the clause in the Finance Bill referring to the use of containers,...

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Passing Comments

Transport Users Sav ing Hundreds of Pounds of Capital . DRESENT-DAY industrial conditions are so complex that one is apt to...

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One Hears

Of much ado about medical tests for drivers. That sonie public transport concerns enforce periodical tests for all drivers...

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NEWS of the WEEK

" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever Points arising, as a carriage is by th e...

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Fur Flies in, Road-Rail Wrangle

TEMPER ran high in a case before 1 the Southern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Edinburgh, last week, and parties to it were...

Bought Licences—and Lost Them

A WITNESS who confessed that 'she had bought licences, rather than vehicles, was refused two A and two 13 licences formerly...

Personal Pars

Mn. W. T. DUNCALF, of Messrs. Duncalf and McFall, haulage contractors, has been elected to the Upper Brighton Ward on Wallasey...

Page 40

No Short Cut in Licensing

G RIEVANCES of hauliers, due to deerred decisions and other long delays in the administration of the 1933 Act, are particularly...

Rail Witness Admits Road Advantages

T HE cotton-transport test case, in which Topham Bros. (Manchester) , Ltd., of Weaste, Manchester, is applying for an addition...

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Municipal Purchases and Proposals

East Ham Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of a refuse collector. Leeds Corporation has ordered 12 Leyland Titan...

Loads Worth Fortunes by Morris-Commercial

L OADS of banknotes and stamps worth thousands of pounds are sometimes carried to Tilbury and Southampton Docks by the vehicles...

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African Jungle Defeated

ay British Oiler A Bedford-Perkins Lorry, Carrying Over 3 Tons, Forces its Way Through Gold Coast Jungle Country on a 360-mile...

Page 44

I.T.A. Congress Raises Vital Issues Speakers Make Striking Suggestions for

Reorganization of Transport and Expose Defects. of Railway Rating System A NCILLARY users should be allowed to carry goods for...

Railways Encourage Uneconomic Marketing

I N EFFECT, Mr. Gilbert Walker accuses the railways of haying, by their rating system, encouraged manufacturers to extend their...

Should C-Licensees Operate for Hire?

" W HATEVER may he done in the future, whether by way of legislation or voluntary effort, transport in all its phases must...

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Tide Turns with April's Registrations

After Several Dull Months Registrations of New Commercial Motors Show a Healthy Upward Trend in Both Goods and Hackney...

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FLIERS For Short and Long Hauls Much-improved Mark I and New Mal k Now Built at Latil's London Works. Both Dual-purpose...

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Beet Hauliers Must Organize

The Proposal that Collective Bargaining Should Substitute Individualism in Beet Haulage Traced to Its Source By S.T.R. "The...

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Lively Disc ssion on Edinburgh Con erence Papers

Main Theme of Corn rnents on ass en ger transport Su ject was Spread-over of Peak Loads D ESTRIBUTION of traffic more evenly...

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"Red Arrow" Raises Rates by 15 per cent.

" (NUR rates were already far higher 'L./than those of most carriers, but, even so, we have met with considerable success in...

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What the • Associations Are Doing

LINCOLNSHIRE ASSOCIATION AMALGAMATES WITH A.R.O. As forecast in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, the Lincolnshire...

Minister Introduces Himself to Operators

" G OODWILL I offer, industry I will devote, knowledge I can only hope to gain." With these words, Mr. E. Leslie Burgin, the...

National Rates Plan for Removers

R ATES stabilization on a national basis and adequate machinery to enforce the agreed schedules, were urged by Major W. Taylor,...

"Railways Will Not Undercut"

" W E have a definite promise .that if we get our industry sufficiently organized, and produce a really good scale of rates,...

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Solving the Problems of the Carrier "The Commercial Motor" Tables Afford the Finest Method of Checking Expenditure, But They...

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Road Transport Topics in Parliament

By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent BID TO AMEND CONTAINER CLAUSE. WHEN the Finance Bill was in 1■1' Committee an...

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Municipal Bus Profits Good

I MPROVED trade and the widespread increase in the travel habit have had a beneficial effect upon the finances of municipal...

BOUQUET FOR MIDWALES OPERATORS A LTHOUGH operators in Montgorneryshire and district

had been occupied in opening up services in sparsely populated areas, it was to their credit that they had given the...

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Yorkshire Operators Claim Hardship A FEELING that licensing admini

stration is more severe in the Yorkshire Area than in other traffic areas was voiced from several quarters at the Leeds mass...

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Cleansing Problems in the Limelight

Apart from a Representative Exhibition and Demonstration of Vehicles and Appliances, Several Papers with a Transport Background...

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Lack of Data Retards Road Progress

THAT rule-of-thumb methods still I persist in the field of road construction, is the inference gained from a perusal of the...

Charing Cross Bridge Scheme Muddle

F OLLOWING an announcement by the Minister of Transport in the House of Commons, on the subject of a road bridge at Charing...

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Increasing Axle Load Within the Law

A Risme' of Recently Published Patent Specifications That Are Obtainable From the Patent Office, Price is. Each U NDER present...