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15th July 1960
15th July 1960
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Page 1, 15th July 1960

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Gloves 0

T HE Government's ready acceptance of Lord Lucas of Chilworth's amendment to the Road Traffic and Roads Improvement Bill, aimed...

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Men Who Make Transport-42

Archibald Edga 1 ,harles Dent W ITH some 16,000 vehicles and 30,000 trailer's on his books, Mr. Archibald Edgar Charles Dent...

J UST as King Alfred found that Hell bath no fury

like a woman whose cakes have been burnt, Charles Goodyear, who died 100 years ago this month, made the greatest discovery of...

Page 42

Full Grant to Russell Will Add 200 tons

FROM G. DUNCAN JEWELL • F OUR applications by Russell of Bathgate Ltd., Bathgate, which, if granted in full, would increase...

Mr. H. H. Crow Dies After Two Months as Chairman

WE regret to report the death last week VT of MR. HERBERT H. Caow, only two months after his election as national chairman of...

Page 43

"Grave Difficulties" in Meeting Demands for Steel Traffic

E VIDENCE of "the grave difficulties" being experienced by a haulage contractor in obtaining long vehicles to meet the demands...

Objection to Objectors at Bristol Hearing

R EPRESENTING H. Davis and Sons, Ltd., Station Road, Gloucester, in an application to Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western 'Licensing...

Page 44

Plea for Light -Penalties Follows Admissions

A FTER Loughborough magistrates had heard a local haulage concern admit six offences in respect of one of its vehicles, last...

Men in the News MR. I. SCHOFIELD has been made manager of the Bradford sub-branch of Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd.

Ma.. W. A. Wmarn, principal purchasing assistant, London Transport Executive, has been appointed purchasing officer. MR. W. G....

Nationwide Warning On Bans by T.R.T.A.

QCORES of trade bodies and industrial organizations throughout the country who op Irate vehicles under C licence are being...

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Hauliers Ignore Bid for Six Additional Lorries

T HE British Transport Commission were the only objectors to an application by John Smillie, Ltd., Glasgow, for six additional...

Birmingham Waiting Ban Fight to Continue

T OLD that the appeal a g ainst the new parkin g restrictions in Birmin g ham made by the city's Standin g Committee on Traffic...

Eight More "Arti cs" for Anderson

LTHOUGH British Railways have k improved facilities available to carry new traffic, industrial concerns are entitled to seek...

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Information on "Pirate's" Wanted for Deputation

Q PERATORS of small buses and unlicensed vehicles used for carrying .workpeople were sharply criticized at the annual meeting...

British Engines for Belgian Giants

DELIEVED to be the longest buses on 1-) two axles in the world, 10• new rearengined single-deck vehicles to be put into service...

Newport Fares Revenue Not Up to Expectations

MEWPORT Transport Committee wit) J. 14 report to this month's meeting of the town council that recent fares increases, expected...

Page 47

Decision Reserved On B.M.M.O. Fares

Traffic Commissioners Throughout the Country Have Another Busy Week : More Cases to Come D ECISION was reserved by the West...

Takeover Fleet Cut : Low Earnings

A N application by Thomas J. Davis, Rutherglen, to take over an A licence for four vehicles (13t tons) issued to F. C. Graham...

Page 48

Giant B.P. Tanker for Desert Airfields

A TANKER of 5,750-gallon capacity . to be used on desert airfields by Air BE'.. the aviation service of the British Petroleum...

Page 49

It's "caed mile Mine" to Austin in Dublin's fair city

varpoN they raise their glasses in W Ireland's select bars, like as not it'll be a Phoenix ale they're drinking. And the ale...

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Smalls Traffic to North Wales Increases

A LARGE increase in smalls traffic to North Wales was spoken of at Wrexham, on Monday, when W. Cooper and Sons (Carriers),...

Six New Tippers To Ease Shortage

T HE existence of an acute shortage of tippers in Lanarkshire was indicated to Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing Authority, at...

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C-licensed Lorry Used for Reward

A N Aberdeen contractor was fined a total of £85 and disqualified from driving for one year, at Perth Sheriff Court, last week,...

Mobile Library Tenders Not Accepted

RR EPORTS of difficulty in securing quotations for the supply of a mobile library vehicle have led to the withdrawal of a...

Mt. , Nelson . Calls -it

"Sharp Practice.". . • S TRONG criticism of John Wainwright and Co., Ltd., quarry miners, -was made by Mr. S. W. Nelson,...

Page 53


A STEADY improvement in business rt is reported by Mr. James Wild, chairman of Fodens, Ltd., in his annual statement. This was...

Liverpool Tries Strip Lighting for Bus Advertisements

A DVERTISEMENT panels illuminated by fluorescent tubes are being installed on the off side of Liverpool Corporation...

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Third Slough Win for Daines

L AST years national winner, C• DaMes, driving an Austin for Fred • Myers, Ltd, Windsor, - achieved his third local success in...

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Low-loader Driver Wins at Manchester

C HIEF among the . many awards presented by Mr, F. Williamson, North Western Licensing Authority, at the Manchester round of...

Page 56

British " Artie " to Haul Bluebird

B LUEBIRD; the gas-turbine-engined car now being prepared for Dona!,1 Campbell's attempt on the world land-speed record, is to...

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New Equipment and Publications

Load Pennants T o identify overhanging loads Piggott Bros. and Co., Ltd., 220-226 Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2, offer pennants...

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W HEN there is a ty s ide boom in a particular area, and heavy demands are made on hauliers, it is not easy for them to decide...

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Gipsy's Trial Across Treacherous Country

G 1VEN the instruction: "Break it if you can," a team of Austin experimental engineers took a Gipsy 4 x 4 5-cwt. vehicle over...

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S ACKCLOTH and ashes are not suitable for workaday dress, but this does not mean that motley is the only wear. The British...

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Suspension Marks Time

By P. A. C. Brockhigton, A.M.I.Mech.E. W HAT is the future of air suspension? Nearly every manufacturer and vehicle user in...

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Coal Board Contract Criticized By Yorkshire Commissioners

A GREEMENTS between the National Coal Board and operators of miners' contract services were Criticized by the Yorkshire...

Grant Might Preju dice Company's Case

P ROPOSALS to vary existing A licences and add new A licences for specific work were made by -John Hunter and Sons (Transport),...

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/ REFERRED last week to some of the points that needed consideration when a trader was deciding whether to hire road transport...

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Constant-speed Drive

T HE object of a control mechanism shown in patent No. 833,273 is to avoid driving engine auxiliaries at an unnecessarily high...