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Answers to Queries.

7th October 1915, Page 19
7th October 1915
Page 19
Page 19, 7th October 1915 — Answers to Queries.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Where to Join the C.M.U.A..

[2762] (LondonOwner).—The office address of the Commercial Motor Users Association is 85, Pall Mall, S.W., and the secretary Mr. F. G. Bristow.

Hiring Out a Small Passenger-car, [2763] (Hants.).—We advise you to charge Gil. per mile for the total mileage as a minimum, on distances above 25 miles in one run, and 7:kd. per mile on the

total mileage, in respect of any shorter trips. If there is. much delay or waiting, in order to pay calls, say, in excess of 10 minutes at any one time, an a.dditional waiting charge of 2s. 6d.per houris essential to satisfactory profit-making.

Which Type of Final Drive?

[2761] (Yorks.).—Any one of the three drives which you mention is suitable for a 25-cwt. motor lorry. Several of the most successful types of light lorry are driven by chain. The worm gear is superior to the bevel gear as regards stress in the teeth, but a good bevel gear should he all right for lighter types of machines, although we prefer the worm. We should not recommend you to buy a ene-ton vehicle of any make if you wish to deal with heavier loads.

Waiting for Motorbuses.

[2765] (Southerner).—No leading British maker has been able to give delivery until quite. recently. The War Office has recently announeed that it will release a certain number of chassis if they are for delivery to Government contractors or sub-contractors. We hardly think a local authority will fall in either category. Perhaps some of the new chrrs-h-bancs to which you refer have American chassis, or they may come from one of the works which has been wholly released by the War Office.

Upkeep and Other Information Applicable to a 23-seated Char-a-bancs.

[2766] (Cornwall).—The first part of your inquiry is met by our free sheet of eosts. It has been mailed to you. A 23-seated char-k-bancs, apart from any higher charges for insurance to cover the passenger-carrying risk, should conform to the costs which are shown for a three-ton petrol vehicle. The annual tax is 15s. for a hackney-carriage licence, and £3 3s. for additional carriage tax (under the Motor Car Act of 1806). The markings to which you refer cannot be taken to indicate 28 h.p. They may concern date of manufacture only.

Petrol v. Steam Four-tonners in Use.

[2767] (Lancs.).--We have, as requested, posted direct one of the free sheets of working costs. We have no knowledge of the other costs to which you refer. We shall be interested to bear how your costs compare in detail with those which are shown in the standard sheet, and we can then endeavour to explain any discrepancy, should such exist. The rubber-tired Sentinel should undoubtedly do 820 miles of wn-k nieek readily, provided there is no delayi!,■respect of water supplies ; it always pays to arrange these. It might be a test, in comparing the. work of a petrol vehicle with that of a steam vehicle, to change over the runs, unless that has already been done. The driver of a steam wagon usually has more to do in looking after his machine than has a petrol driver ; a steam driver cannot be expected to help in the loading to the same extent. Regarding speedometers which yield a graphic record of the day's proceedings, these very often give rise to friction with the men, and we eannot, from experience in such matters, al ways recommend them. Of course, if they are imposed hereafter by new legislation, the men will have their grievance against the Government, and not against the individual employer, which might reduce the difficulties of their use in practice. Urgent Tire-pressing.

[2768] (Midlands)-The difficulty at present is to know which of the hydraulic-py-css makers is able to give attention to ordinary deliveries of the kind in which you are interested. We would .suggest that you additionally try the following :.--

Tangyes, Ltd., Cornwall Works, Birmingham. Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Atlas Works, Gloucester. • Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic Co., Ltd., -Rodley, near Leeds.

Seeking Hire Work for a Char-a-bancs.

[2760] (West.—We believe that all carrying of wounded soldiers is done on a voluntary basis, or, where payments are made, that some private individual steps in. Having regardto your location we recommend you to address the secretary of the focal

Munitions Committee at Bristol. If there is any auxiliary or other military hospital near you, yon might get into communication with the commandant. if you are prepared to hire your vehicle out for a long period in any part of England, an advertisement in this journal is the best medium.

Housing a Motorbus.

[2770] (Lincs.).—You do not make clear in your letter the grounds on which the Council has asked you to remove the building in which your motorbus is kept. Possibly you might be able to see the building surveyor and obtain his consent to your keeping the building up, provided you undertook to draw off the petrol from the tank, and also to keep no petrol in the building. It is impossible to answer you more fully, unless you ascertain in what respect the building is held not to comply with local by-laws. The objection of the. Council, of course, may have nothing to do with the storage and use of petrol, although we are inclined to think that such is the explanation.