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Hull service aims to squeeze cut rates

29th June 1979, Page 6
29th June 1979
Page 6
Page 6, 29th June 1979 — Hull service aims to squeeze cut rates
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HULL IS to have a new freight service aimed at cutting out the low-price freight services that have been offered from the Hull docks.

Road Freight Centre (Hull) Ltd manager Barry Hardy says that the increase in clearing house activities in the area has meant that drivers' jobs have been put at risk as well as the future of the companies that employ him.

Mr Hardy — former manager of Owner Drivers Freight Services (Hull), ,the North Humberside Owner Drivers Association company — says that companies in the Hull area are losing business or having to compete with "unrealistic payments for jobs."

Already the centre has 40 haulier members who operate over 250 vehicles and employ 450 people and it is aiming its operations at the Hull docks trade where, says Mr Hardy, most of the cut-rate business has been centred.

He said that freight charges to customers would not be .affected by the centre's activities but the rates paid to operators would.

And he expects that the centre will generate more business for its members and this will enable them to offer a better service as well as being able to offer security for members.

The new .centre is designed to serve the haulier rather than the customer and will be directing its activities against the Hull clearing houses.

Mr Hardy told CM that the new operation will not be looking to take work from the owner-drivers who are still operating their own office in the town.

"They have a place in Hull — if I am trying to get a lorry for a load, then I would rather make one call to them than 20 to owner drivers."

The office is near the Hull dock gates at Valetta Street, Hedon Road, Hull.