Psv last the cours better
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THREE-QUARTERS of registered in 1967-8 are stil the road — compared v only 15 per cent of hgv.
So says ROSPA's newspa Care on the Road in a renel attack on the bus industry.
Why this alarmed Care the Road is not clear as m of these psv were built ft planned maintenance life fifteen years and are subjec Certificate of Fitness requ ments and usually annual partment of Transport insi tions as well. It would cle; be more of a cause of alai.] fewer of these vehicles v, still licensed.
The comparison with go vehicles is irrelevant beca psv are built to entirely ferent standards and for ferent purposes to hgv.
In its first attack on co safety Care on the Road su ested that bus and co; chassis were similar to lc chassis, which was questio by other technical journals is again repeated by Care the Road which went as fa to suggest that Bedford Ford chassis are "essentia similar to those compan lorry chassis.
These chassis do admittE share many components v lorry ranges and usually sh production lines, but they purpose-designed psv cha with axles, brakes and engi positioned specifically for use.