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London stall on dock road

29th June 1979, Page 21
29th June 1979
Page 21
Page 21, 29th June 1979 — London stall on dock road
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THE GREATER LONDO Council is to go ahead with planned £104m relief road serve London's dockland but it has deferred a decish on whether to ask for Parli mentary powers to acqui land on the route of the road It is one of three planni relief roads which the couni considers vital to the redev lopment of dockland. It ru from the Bricklayer's Arrr Bermondsey eastwards Woolwich and will cross ti River Thames twice in tunne The dual carriageway roi will link Surrey Docks, the h of Dogs and the Greenwii Peninsula and it will have 1 frontage access and minimu access from side roads or f crossing traffic.

It will link up with ti schemes to rejuvenate the square miles of dockland. T GLC says that there is liti hope of re-populating the ar and attracting more jo unless there is a satisfa tory road network.

Plans for the GLC to ask f Parliamentary powers acquire the necessary land f the new road have been reff red to the planning and coi munications policy comm tee, which will consider t question at its next meeting July 17.