B.M,M+0. Runs 367 Fiat-engined Buses
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BUiLT to the company's own design and manufacture, 367 underfloor-engined singledeck buses and coaches are now in service with the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd.. these vehicle!, have now completed over 25,000,000 miles, and the company estimates that they have carried some 200,000,000 passengers on local and long-distance journeys.
Following successful tests on a double-decker, power-operated doors have been introducedexperimentally on a single-decker.
In adapting the power-operated door to the single-decker, the entire front part of the vehicle has been redesigned. The driver's compartment is no longer designed to be entirely separate, but is divided from the main saloon by a waist-high partition. An automatic stop light is also incorporated.
Devekiped by the company, the door folds back in two sections. It is electrically operated and controlled by the driver. Passengers may board or alight only when the bus is stationary. Passengers and crews have commented favourably on this type of door on the double-decker. which has been in experimental service since
May, 1949, It will become a standard fitting on double-deckers ordered in future, and it is hoped that it will he incorporated in some vehicles to be delivered in the spring.