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German Railways Lose to Road Transport

24th February 1950
Page 61
Page 61, 24th February 1950 — German Railways Lose to Road Transport
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

MHILST there was controlled coil' ordination between road and rail transport in Western Germany before the war, railways are now losing 100,000,000 Deutschmarks a year, because of the 45-per cent. increase in the issue of road haulage licences and the reinstatement of the autobahn.

This information is contained in a booklet entitled `.` Western Germany," by A. W. Berry, director of the British Engineers' Association and C. F. I. Ramsden, overseas director of Me Federation of British Industries. It is published by the Association at 2s.

Dealing with Western Germany's efforts to export, the report states that they are subject to many handicaps. When difficulties are overcome, by protracted and serious endeavour, West German _industrialists will achieve a strong position in world markets.