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Newcastle Now to Support Bill .

24th February 1950
Page 43
Page 43, 24th February 1950 — Newcastle Now to Support Bill .
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MEWCASTLE Corporation and the

1,1 Gateshead Tramways Co. have reached final agreement on the company's Bill which is being promoted in Parliament. The Bill asks for power to substitute buses for trams throughout the company's system and on the through services between Gateshead and Newcastle.

This was disclosed at a sitting of the Northern Licensing Authority in Newcastle, this week, when Newcastle Corporation's applications for consent and road service licences to operate through services of buses over the Tyne Bridge to Hew-orth and Wrekenton were granted.

The company has ready 20 new Guy double-deck busts. The services are scheduled to start on March 5. Newcastle Corporation is withdrawing the petition it had lodged against the company's Bill and will now support it. This leaves Gateshead Corporation as the only petitioner against the Bill.


TWELVE Leyland Tiger buses were specially bought by New Zealand Railways to transport contestants in the Empire Games, which were held in Auckland this month. Operating from an ex-R.A.F. camp about 40 miles south of Auckland, the buses carried the athletes to the various sites where they were competing. New Zealand Motor Bodies, Ltd.. built the bodies, which are full-fronted models fitted with 34 semiluxury seats. The chassis are Leyland 0PS3,/ 1 models. 8-ft. wide with a 19-ft. wheelbase.