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Continental Tours: Yes and No

24th February 1950
Page 42
Page 42, 24th February 1950 — Continental Tours: Yes and No
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE keen post-war demand for Continental travel is reflected in the large number of applications for licences for these tours.

At a silting of the Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr, W. F. Quin, last week, an application by Northern Roadways, Ltd.. Glasgow, for • permission to operate Continental coach tours was refused. Mr. Quin said that no case in support of the application had

been made by the concerts. With one exception, which was of little value,

the evidence had beet given • by employees of the concern or of an associated ccimpany, but none had been heard from members of the public.

A decision on the application by Messrs. Cotter's Motor Tours, of Glasgow, to extend their existing Continental tours, is to be given later. The hearing was reported in "The Commercial Motor'" on February 10.

Last week, the Scottish Licensing Authority also refused an application by

Scotia Transport, Ltd., Glasgow, for a licence to run tours from Glasgow to Germany. The company wanted to run a 15-day tour to Belgium, the Rhineland and Bavaria at a cost of £59 17s.

Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd., Leeds, has failed in an appeal against the Yorkshire Licensing Authority's deci sion to allow Robinson's Boy Blue Tours, of Oldham, to run additional „tours from YOrkshire to the Continent. The Wallace Arnold company runs similar tours from Yorkshire and submitted that the grant would cause wasteful competition.


CENTRAL control on matters of policy was inevitable, but the administration of that policy should be entrusted, with maximum freedom, to local units, said Ald. J. E. Bird, Mayor of Chesterfield, at the annual dinner of the Chesterfield Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, last Friday. National boards, he added, could easily become oppressive to the human spirit in business.

A presentation was made to Mr. J. Pass, a former chairman of the subarea, by Mr. J. H. fretwell, chairman, Speakers included Mr. T. Q. Roberts. area chairman, and Mr. L. Mathews, area vice-chairman.