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Municipal Purchases and Proposals

20th November 1936
Page 33
Page 33, 20th November 1936 — Municipal Purchases and Proposals
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

wiikeffeit Corporation requires a cleansing vehicle.

Coulsdon Urban District Council is to purchase an additional refuse collector.

Aberystwyth Rural District Council has instructed 8. C01/111111fACE to Consider the purchase of a fire-engine.

Stourporben.Severn Urban DistKiet Council requires a 350-300 g.p.m. fire-engine; the closing date for tenders is November 2.5.

Isle of Ely Highways and Bridges Committee i8 inviting lenders for the supply of three 2-2Mton tipping lorries; three existing 2-tonners have to be taken in part exchange. Tlae closing date for tenders is November 30. Kent Education Committee is to purchase two tractors for the ydaying fields.

Harpenden Urban Dlstrict Council is to buy an ambulance, at a cost not exceeding £600. Kent County GourieB has accepted the tendei Of Martin Walter, . Ltd., for the supply of a Bedford 3-ton lorry, Heston and loleworth Electricity Department invites tenders for the supply of a 10-cwt. van; the closing date is December 5.

Fulwood Urban District Council requires 2-ton vehicle for transporting road materials, which can be adapted to carry 3%-4 cubic yds. of refuse. Tenders have to be delivered by November 23.