Railways Blocking Courts on Renewal Cases.
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A strong hint that railway representatives must not expect to occupy four days on each of the road trunk-service cases was given by Mr. W. Chamberlain, North-Western Licensing Authority, last Friday, when he discovered that the opposition to the renewal of the licence of Mr. A. E. Hall, of Faulkner Street, Manchester, was proceeding on Bouts-Tillotson lines.
Mr. Hall, with five vehicles, maintains a service from Manchester to Birmingham with general goods, largely cotton in bales outwards, and finished garments on the return. An 80-percent. increase for the past four years was shown.
The case was one of 25 for hearing thatday, and, in adjourning it to a date in -December, to be fixed later, Mr. Chamberlain referred to the adjournea application of Northern Motor Utilities, Ltd., as the real test case before him. He expected to complete the hearing to-day (Friday), and to give his decision before the end of the year.