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Three for 11/14

20th March 1982, Page 8
20th March 1982
Page 8
Page 8, 20th March 1982 — Three for 11/14
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THREE more motorway servii areas are planned for the Well stretch of the M4. At prose' there is only one west of ti Severn Bridge.

BP Oil has begun site worl for a new service station at Poi Abraham, at the western end the M4 and hopes to have it operation this summer. The art will include a filling station, Galleon Road Chef restaurar shop, overnight caravan par and picnic and rest areas.

At junction 47, near Penile gaer, plans by Llewellyn Di velopments of Swansea ha% been passed by the West Glen organ County Council and a awaiting approval by the distri council. Here, apart from tt usual amenities, the service are would include a secured Ion park with driver's accomrnoci tion.

At junction 28, near Newpor West Park (Porthcawl) Ltd is als awaiting approval to begin woi on a large service station. Ow the past few years sever schemes have been submitte for the site ranging from a luxur hotel to an office block.