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CM looks

20th March 1982, Page 7
20th March 1982
Page 7
Page 7, 20th March 1982 — CM looks
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

at appeal

CM is considering covering an appeal cost for a Nottinghamshire lorry driver who was convicted of speeding last year. The police evidence was based on the Thorn EMI Scanner.

A motorist challenged similar evidence and appealed after conviction. His appeal was upheld. The lorry driver produced, in evidence a tachograph chart and the expertise of a tachograph manufacturer. The bench rejected the tachograph evidence and the driver was convicted.

On the BBC1 Nationwide Watchdog programme this week, the driver said he was unable to find funds to appeal. CM is now examining the case.

The instrument has been used widely throughout the United Kingdom for over six years. It has been responsible for the conviction of thousands of drivers.

Thorn EMI was not available for comment this week.