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New Transport Companies

20th January 1961
Page 38
Page 38, 20th January 1961 — New Transport Companies
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Eathorpe Haulage, Ltd. Cap. £500. Dirs.: I. Ward and E. M. Ward, The Plough Inn, Eathonse, Leamington Spa, Warwicks, Sec.: J. Ward.

Plaits Transport. Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Dims,: G. E. Platts and Mrs. M. Platte, Wellfield House, Matlock. Sec,: K, M. Black, Reg. office: 53 Havelock Street, Kettering.

Riley and Dales Transport Co., Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: C. G. Dales, 52B Icknield Way. Letchworth. and R. Riley, jar., 137a Hemper Lane, Sheffield, 8. Sec.: B. Bray, Reg. office: Heath Hall, Pinnocks Lane, Baldock, Herts.

A. H. Entail and Co., Ltd. Cap. £15,000, Dire.: A, H. Eastall, Mrs. R. J. Eastall and Miss A. A. Eastall, Hill House. Haughley.

M. S. Middleton and Soo, Ltd. Cap. £10.000. Dirs.: M. S. Middleton, 31 Queens Road, Hodthorpe. Worksop, Nons, S. Middleton. 31 Mason Street, Whitwell, Notts, and E. B. Middleton. 58 King Street, Hodthorpe. Sec.: S. Middleton. Reg. office: 31 Queens Road, Hodthorpe.

E. M. Kaitton, Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: J. W. Knifton, M.P. Knifton and E. M. Knifton, The Spinney, Makeney. Milford. Derbys, Sec.: M. I'. Kniftim. Reg. office: Rawson Green, Kilburn, Derbys.

F. A. Baker's Transport (Rye), Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: F. A. Baker and A. II, Baker. Lords Land. East Guideford. Rye. Sussex, and R. H. Baker, 2 Ships Bungalow. Rye Harbour, Sussex. See.: F. A. Baker. Reg. office: Lords Land. East Guldeford.

Busdown Haulage. Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: I. Herbert and T. A. Herbert, 156 Strand, London, W.C.2. Sec.: T. A, Herbert.

Darns Bros. (Transport), Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: P. E. Burns and E. Burns. 145 Olive Road. London. En. Sec.: E. Burns. Reg. office: 77 Portland Place. London, W.I.

C. A. Bambrough, Ltd. Cap. 550.000. Dirs.: G. A. Bambrough and E. 11ambtough. 8 Coronation

Terrace, Chester le Street, Sec.: E, Bambrough. Reg. office: Coneside Garage, South Burns. Chester IC Street.

T. B. Goondry and Son, Ltd. Cap. £4,000. Dirs.: Mrs. M. W, Wilson. 66 Parkland Drive, Mcanwood. Leeds, Mrs. I Taylor, 7 Shellford Gardens, Woodhouse Estate, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Mrs. E. C. Halt and Mrs. B. L. Nilson. See.: S. Hall,

David Hancock. Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dir.: D. Hancock, 94 Wicklow Drive, Leicester. Sec.: J. P. Cunnington. Reg. office: District Bank Chambers, Hotel Street, Leicester.

W. Nicholson Haulage, Ltd. Cap. £200. Dire.: W. Nicholson and Mrs. V. M, Nicholson, 12 Victoria Avenue, Thirsk, Yorks. Sec.; V. M. Nicholson. Reg. office: 12 Victoria Avenue. Thirsk.

G. Bashforth and Son, Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: G, Bashforth, Wombwell Lane, Szeirfoot, Barnsley, and C. Moore, 38 Foley Avenue, Wombwell. Sec.: G. Bashfonh. Reg. °thee: Caulk Garage, Stairfoot.

Mooney and Morley. Ltd. Cap. £24,000. Dirs.: S. B. Mooney, 94 Leeds Road, Selby, A. Morley, 34 Wistow Road, Selby, and A. Mooney, 41 Flascley Road, Selby. Sec.: A. MooneY.

F. P. Mayhew (Transport). Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: F. P. Mayhew. 130 Mill Lane. London, N.W.6, and G. Anthony. 19 Brockley Avenue, Stanmore, Middx. Sec.: G. Anthony, Reg. office: 48 London Fruit Exchange, London, El.

H. Knee, Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: H. Knee and L. L. Knee, Tudor House, Dolton, near Leeds. Sec.: S. Hart.

Seawfell Transport Co., Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: J. Wilson, D. McKee and V. Bailey. Reg. office: 12 Seawfell Street, London, E.2.

W. D. Hillary (Southern). Ltd. Cap. £11.000. Dirs.: D. V. Hitters:, A. M. Hillary and B. L. Hillary, The Haven. Hammock Lane, Littleton. Winchester. Reg. office; The 'Mr.'s. Ilan:stock Lane, Littleton.