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3cania helps Volvo )ut of a hole

19th September 1981
Page 22
Page 22, 19th September 1981 — 3cania helps Volvo )ut of a hole
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HE PROPOSED merger )etween Volvo and Scania in 3weden was not the only thing :hat fell through. The same fate )efell a Volvo F1017 tractor with :hree-axled tilt semi-trailer laden :o 38 tons on a narrow sand :rack, but a little unofficial co)peration from Scania helped to jet Volvo out of a hole.

The artic was one of eight Jolvos that British technical ournalists were testing in Vorthern Sweden. The convoy lad halted at a delightful picnic )lace beside a cascading river Nhile the party had a barbecue unch. On the climb up from the zehicle park to the main road the :ractor nearside rear wheel sank nto the sand up to the hub and he spare wheel rested on the 3round.

The luckless journalist driver Natched a trifle sheepishly while Volvo men filled the hole with sand, brick (which appeared 'ram nowhere) and a baulk of :imber. By a happy coincidence 3 Volvo BM wheeled loader and 3 Scania L111 three-axled tipper ieavily laden with road material here working close by. The two were coupled in tandem and Nith a great heave the 38-ton 10Nheeler was eventually freed.