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Pallet exchange system

16th March 1979, Page 5
16th March 1979
Page 5
Page 5, 16th March 1979 — Pallet exchange system
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A NEW NATIONAL pallet scheme has come into operation for a six-month trial period in the South London and Kent area.

Called the One-for-One pallet exchange scheme, the system was set up as a result of a Department of Industrybacked working party. Members of the working party who are now trying the scheme include Associated Biscuits, Nestles, RHM Foods, SPD and Unigate.

If the trial, which started at the beginning of the month, is successful it is planned that the scheme will be extended to other areas and eventually become national.

The One-for-One system, as its name suggests, is based on direct exchange of pallets. If this is not possible at a particular delivery, then a pallet redemption voucher would be issued.

This is similar to the existing GKN Chep blue system, but the new system should reduce paperwork.