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3rd January 1981
3rd January 1981
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Page 1, 3rd January 1981

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MI dependency

S the OPEC countries announce yet another increase in the basic price of crude oil, hich is estimated to add a further five...

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Cost rises slowing down, says FTA

)AD TRANSPORT costs showed their lowest quarterly rise for two ars in the three months to September 1980, and the Freight...

Jobs lost

EATONS TRANSPORT (St. elens) Ltd., have issued redunancy notices to 26 drivers. This Mows lay-offs because of the pneral slump...

Permit changes?

A DRAFT regulation aimed at simplifying the EEC's arrangements for road haulage quotas -and which may benefit British firms in...

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Plans for Welsh mad

THE LONG-AWAITED Gove ment statement on Welsh roe policy has been published Secretary of State for Wales cholas Edwards. Main...

Ferry refit

TOWNSEND THORESEN boasting greatly increas accommodation for drivers its Felixstowe-Rotterdam cro ing, following a refit on its...

That's the spirit

NORCO Transport Ltd, a subsidiary of the Mersey Docks and H; bour Company, won a contract to move rum from Liverpool Avonmouth....

Down comes rental rate

GILFLEX has responded to the recession by cutting its trailer rental rates and increasing its fleet. It claims that demand for...

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,JICKFORDS Heavy HaulagE Ltd's new managing director i; Geoffrey Toft, who has beer with the company since 1966. HE began his...

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Air power is new steering medium

AN ALTERNATIVE to hydraulic power steering has been introduced by RFF Engineering (International) Co of Yeadon, Leeds. The...

Low-cost sleeper

A SLEEPER-CAB conversior Bedford TL models is now 11 offered by J. Urquhart and Ltd. Bedford main dealer Petersfield,...

Drawbar first in UK

ROLLS Livestock Haulage Ltd, based near Andover, Hampshire, has taken delivery of a DAF FAS 2105 DHR drawbar unit which is...

Scammell's recalls

SCAMMELL Trailers Ltd would like operators using Scammell Top.0 fifth-wheel couplers to contact the company as there may be a...

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London's probe

HE HOUSE of Commons Transort Committee is to undertake n inquiry next year into the rture transport policy in Lonon. It will...

AA co-nyie boosted

ADVANCED ticketing machine have helped AA Motor Service introduce one-man operation t some of their services i Ayrshire. The...

Reinvent the bus?

THE COST of reinventing tin bus in the 1990s could be prohi bitive, Confederation of Britisf Road Passenger Transport direc...

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DAF spreads good cheer

LTHOUGH times are grim and ecoming worse, DAF Trucks 'e spreading good cheer in larlow. The company has ipplied the Christmas...

Supersonic freight

FEDERAL EXPRESS, an American express carrier, has suggested that British Airways should use one of its seven Concordes to carry...

250bhp moved giant loads

THE ONLY Rotinoff Atlantic tractor remaining in Britain is in the Science Museum's commercial vehicle collection at Wroughtot...

Light on GHC expenditure

I WONDER what Michael Hese tine thought of the expenditur of £50,000 on 30 new ornamer tal lamps for Kingston bridge? ' do not...

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Insurance has 13 months left

AM AFRAID that I must take sue with the report under the ?.ading Insurance Phased Out p19 of your edition of Noamber 29. At...

On the right lines after all?

VITH REFERENCE to the article )n p29 of your publication dated +lovember 29 It's a fare cop! we )ave been aware of the move of...

Why RTITB makes me mad

I READ your articles every week in Commercial Motor, but I have never read such rubbish as November 29 (p32) regarding the Road...

We're left with no excuse!

I FEEL I must write to you about the picture of the Volvo 6x2 with Shell tanker on p62 (CM, November 22). I wonder if the MVA...

Castor angle gives easy ride

I REFER to the letter published in Commercial Motor dated November 29 from D. G. Bonner concerning vibration problems...

Great shakes no great shakes

I FEEL very sorry for Mr BonnE (CM, November 29, p31). I am an owner-driver who pi all the money I had into a branc new Dodge...

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Dodge makes an assaul1 on the electric market

The Dunstable company believes the future's bright for electric vehicles, and Graham Montgomerie's been looking at th technical...

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Study for CPC at home

L OPERATORS need to hold a rtificate of Professional Corntence — or have at least one their staff pass the CPC examition. For...

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Full-size electric bus is a long way ofl

Noel Millier believes the Dodge 50-Series electric could form the basis for a 50-milerange midibus SINCE the energy crisis gave...

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Inflation-proof electric vehicles?

THE OCTOBER Drive Electric BO exhibition, organized by the Electric Vehicle Association, left the electric vehicle industry...

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Switch to safety in

aircraft refuellers M UNN Tim Blakemore looks at a new development where speed and safety go together — one that could be...

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What's the price ol goi ng electric.

Silent and pollution-free battery power ma‘ be, but what's the advantage in terms of costs? Brian Chalmers-Hunt has carried ou...

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Banking on electriciti in the Citi

You probably wouldn't expect to find threl wheeled electric vans inside the imposinc portals of the Bankers' Clearing House. BL...

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Foreign firms ready for electric switch

Daihatsu and Renault make small electrics, but like everyone else, says Bill Brock, they can't get around the battery weight...

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The real battles are yet to start

What will happen now that the Armitage Report says yes to 44 tonnes? Frank Tinsdale has a few ideas HE INDUSTRY can expect the...

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Electric vehicles get the Royal Assent

Prince Philip rides in an electric limousine based on the Bedford Lucas CF, and the Royal Mail finds electrics make post haste....

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Wages round: boil or virility test?

FHE ANNUAL RITE of the wages • ound, for many people, cerainly those over 50, in managenent — or in politics — is an igonising...

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Enter our livery contest and help your business

)NE of the most effective ways f selling goods and services is a carry a smart and effective ehicle livery. This applies to...

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Back to square one f There are bound to be people within the EEC who remember that proposals within the 44-tonne limit were on...

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Law for the layman

[TEMPTING to understand all e intricacies of road transport w when one is not a practicing )licitor can be a mind-boggling...