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Mr. Charles E. Esse, who has been associated with our staff from " No. 1," becomes a sub-editor of this journal from to-day. We...
The War Office authorities have for some weeks past been reconsidering the question of registering commercial motor vehicles,...
Boards of directors of motor omnibus companies are, in several cases which have come under our notice, jeopardising the...
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The Wirral Railway Company has followed the example of the Mersey Railway Company in applying for powers to operate motor...
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Reorganisation due to Introduction of Motor Ambulances and Omnibuses. .kt the meeting of the Metropolitan Asylums Board on...
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This journal has a certified circulation and is the only authority on commercial motor subjects. The action by Messrs. Renault...
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Late Rise in Prices to be Maintained. Large Prospective Shipments. Interview with the Managing Director oT the Asiatic...
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Some instructive statistics have been published in connection with State motor lines in Bavaria, which of all German states is...
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The Linking up of provincial towns and the outlying villages is not the least important among the Loons conferred by the motor...
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The Editor, " CONIMERCIAL MOTOR. " Sir :•• I take in your informative journal every week, and I read it front cover to cover....
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—Some interesting letters have appeared in the public Press congratulating Air....
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—I am a small buyer of petroleum spirit, having two delivery vans which use, on the...
Tire Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :--The whole business of the Motor Cartage and Transport Company, Limited, has been...
The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL Mama." Sir :—I have to congratulate you upon your enterprise in issuing at this season the first...
Our engineering department undertakes the inspection and trial of new or second-hand motors on behalf of readers of "THE...
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The Levenshulme Works will now Supply the Trade as well as Users. Messrs. The Atlas Engineering Company, of Levenshulme,...
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Steam Wagon Driving. " Nemo " (Keighley) writes us on the 6th instant as follows :—" I am a regular reader of the ' Drivers...
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Alternative Current Supply from Trolley Wire or Storage Cells. The arrival in England is expected shortly of a mwelty in...