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London bridge chaos fear

9th September 1999
Page 7
Page 7, 9th September 1999 — London bridge chaos fear
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Operators are facing disruption in the London area over the New Year as widespread road and river crossing closures take place in the capital.

The Department of Transport is looking at the possib llity of closing some major routes at the heart of the city over the turn of the year in an effort to work around festivities to celebrate the millennium. Sc far no decisions have been taken on exact route closures and times but several bridges are likely to be shut.

The DOT, in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police and the London boroughs, is looking at bridge and road closures as 2.5 million revellers flood central London at any one time.

The river crossing closures are designed to stop drunk party-goers from throwing themselves in the treacherous Thames waters.