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Dennison Trailers

9th May 2002, Page 52
9th May 2002
Page 52
Page 52, 9th May 2002 — Dennison Trailers
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Legras' latest Transmax Evolution with its rounded front end and square backside looks a sensible blend of trend and tradion; its funnel shape promising to make even ie worst loads discharge.

Seen in stubby Continental size, the lardox 450 plated body can be of varying ricknesses, according to what products it lay carry, and there's a choice of top-hinge iilgate, barn doors or combined closure. then next seen in UK spec it might well be lore successful.

United Trailers' general-purpose tipper will ke anything, from aggregates to grain. The Day's made of 30mm extruded planks with a at alloy floor supported on full-width cross'embers; it runs on SAF's latest disc-braked des and suspension.

With Edbro top-eye tipgear it weighs 6.44 gines—the owner, Anderson of Wisbech, as eight more on order.

Dennison Trailer's smooth-sided 65yd3 tiper is a top-class example of what is a relavely new tipping design from this Lancaster rm. The judges liked the sturdy sloping frame chassis and the aluminium plank-sided body with its first rate welded seams and neat overall appearance.

They also appreciated its Discos running gear with lifting front axle, steel wheels, Hyva tipgear and Jost landing legs: they gave it top marks for strength, build quality and inherent safety, with extra marks for the new auto or manual door release mechanism.