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he SPONSORS roefteVeld is world market a ler in automatic greasing Wstems for trailers. Its

9th May 2002, Page 41
9th May 2002
Page 41
Page 41, 9th May 2002 — he SPONSORS roefteVeld is world market a ler in automatic greasing Wstems for trailers. Its
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ompalube, a specially lesigned compact system, has leen well received by the cListry. It also offers a wide fl ge of other products for

lucing maintenance and epair costs, including: li Oilmaster, an automatic nine oil level control system,

h ch ensures the correct m?.1 is always maintained and 6cords the amount of oil used y the engine.

* Greensight, a rear obstacle detection system, which alerts the driver with a warning signal if an object is sensed directly behind a reversing vehicle.

* GreenTrack-VMS, an automatic trailer tracking and data communication system which can be linked with a temperature recorder for load condition monitoring.

JOS1 is now probably the world's leading supplier of trailer landing legs. Factories in Germany and America

respond to an increasing global demand from their wholly owned subsidiaries. Despite this global commitment JUST is able to meet local bespoke requirements through these very subsidiaries, who still promote hands-on personal support and provide a comprehensive technical and after-market service.

On the product side, the new MOGUL LANDING LEG is now established as the first choice for all the major European trailer OEMs. The MOGUL range has been extended to include heavy-duty and short-leg options; further variants are being developed to meet cus

turners' operational requirements, proving that JOST, as always, is ever mindful of, and responsive to, the needs of the end user.

Traller Central Electronics LICE) is an innovation now offered by WABCO for trailers. AS the gateway on the trailer for data exchange with the tractive unit, with the electronic braking system and electronically controlled air suspension, it provides many safety and economic benefits. Lighting, tyre pressures, brake lining wear, backing to ramps and more can be monitored via ICE.

Because of the electrical input and output ports available for allocation on the ICE control unit additional functions can be covered, including retarder control, steering-axle control, door and temperature monitoring.

WABCO's ICE also has the ability to inform the fleet operator where the vehicle is located; it can facilitate the output of measuring data or servicing data direct to a central computer for monitoring.

Ittex. At tr_lco!.or Is the UN's leading paint manufacturer supplying dedicated high performance compliant coatings to the CV market. These quality coatings ensure long-term protec