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Transport in Turkey.

9th May 1922, Page 6
9th May 1922
Page 6
Page 6, 9th May 1922 — Transport in Turkey.
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In Constantinople there has been a marked increase in regular motor transport services, according to a Department of Overseas Tradereport. During last summer a motor service ran hourly between Thera-pia and Constantinople' and on several occasions during the train strikes special services have been started in the town which have met with con

siderable success. It was announced early in the year that a society bad been founded in Anatolia by local merchants for the establishment of a motor lorry service between Adalia and Afion-Karahisser. The Angora Government subscribed half the capital. This service functioned irregularly, but is understood to have met with a certain amount of success.

At the end of the year the Angora Government published a law for the pur pose-of encouraging Turkish nationals to establish motor transport companies in Asia Miner, the chief advantages being that all motors, oil and petrol, would be introduced free of Customs duty, drivers and mechanics would be granted military exemption, and the sites for repair shops would be leased free by the Government.