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Exceptional Traffic.

9th May 1922, Page 6
9th May 1922
Page 6
Page 6, 9th May 1922 — Exceptional Traffic.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

In _connection with the action by the Glasgow Corporation against Barclay, Curie and Co. Ltd, as a test case to decide the question of liability in respect of damage done to the streets of the city by the passage thereon of traffic of excessive weight, the Statute Labour Committee of the Corporation reports that it agreed to appeal to the FirstDivision of the Court of Session against the judgment. of the Lord Ordinary (Ashmore) in favour of the defenders. However, the First Division had now issued judgment adhering to the interlocutor of the Lord Ordinary, and the committee, having heard the town clerk fully on the judgment, and on the history of the action, and having had submitted ophaians of counsel, taken at various times, on the the subject-matter of the case, recommends that, in view of the serious and increasing damage to the streets of the city caused by traffic of excessive weight, the judgment and the eubject-matter thereof be remitted for consideration and report to a special sub-committee.