Operator to surrender lic
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A HAULIER due to appear at disciplinary proceedings before the West Midland Licensing Authority for the second time within three months, is to surrender his licence instead.
Malcolm Parry, of Learnington Spa, had his 10-vehicle licence prematurely terminated in November to expire in May instead of 1988.
LA Ronald Jackson was told of a series of drivers' hours offences and convictions for unauthorised use and using a vehicle without an excise licence (CM, December 1).
Evidence was given at that inquiry by Mr Parry that he had changed his operating centre and he was given 40 hours to submit a variation application.
However, doubts about the operating centre together with a number of prohibitions imposed on his vehicles since November, led to Mr Parry again being called before the LA.
The case should have been heard on February 11 but was adjourned until February 26 beca use the bad weather prevented Mr Parry's solicitor from attending.
The traffic area was notified by phone that Mr Parry intended to surrender his licence.