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More jobs for drivers

9th January 1997, Page 11
9th January 1997
Page 11
Page 11, 9th January 1997 — More jobs for drivers
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Drivers' lob prospects in the transport and distribution industry over the next three months are 7% better than they were at the same time last year, according to a recent survey. Over the next three months 21% of transport companies expect to take on more staff while 16% expect to shed workers; a positive balance of 5%. But the survey, conducted by employment services firm Manpower, shows the transport sector is slightly behind the industrial average of 6%. Despite this, Manpower says the 7% upswing on the same three months last year is encouraging in an industry that suffers large seasonal variations in output. The South of England shows the largest improvement in employment prospects with the East and West Midlands and the North-West close behind. The North-East is the only region where large-scale job losses are predicted.