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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
Motor Coach Owners in Conference.
It is announced by the National Connell of the Gommercial Motor Users Association that a meeting of coach owners will be held at. Nottingham on Tuesday, January 23rd, at 2.45 p.m., at the Victoria Hotel, and the Association will be very pleased to see present, any motor coach owner. It is eminently desirable that theire should be a very full meeting of those engaged in the industry because important matters require to be discussed in order that there may be some material mitigation of the difficulties which affected the trade throughout the year 1922.
Withdrawing Restrictive Bus Conditions.
The question of withdrawing the stipulation that bus companies shall not bring passengers into the town at less than a 6d. fare, im,posect as a protection to the municipal tramways by the Pontypridd Urban District Council, was discussed at the last meeting of the council. Complaints were received from the inhabitants of Rhydfelin and Upper Boat, nearby villages, that the minimum fare of 6d. was an imposition severely felt by them.
Mr. J. Howells said that the council should endeavour to facilitate public travel rather than as at present restrict it. Many people were kept from the town by this condition, and trade we lost.
It was added that the companies concerned were willing to arrange proportionate stage faxes if the council was in agreement. Subject to the farce table, to be called for from the oone 'ranee by the council, proving satisfactory, it was agreed to withdraw the condition.
The council is still protected by an agreement made with the bus companies which provides that passengers shall not be picked up by buses within the area of the council's tramway service.
" Free-lance " Buses for London.
So many individual efforts have been made during the pest few months to run motorbuses on London streets that it is . not altogether surprising to learn that what is said to be a large fleet of " freelance " motorbuses may shortly be seen on the streets of the Metropolis. Bus workers and licensed vehicle drivers .are being circularized to join an " Omnibus Mutual" Society under a scheme by which they may acquire buses of their own on the hire-purchase system. The scheme is somewhat as follows:— Each member purchases a £1 share and pays a, weekly instalment of 10s. So soon as enough money has been paid in by all members to cover the first deposit on a bus which is demanded by the manufacturers (roughly about £500), the society will buy a vehicle and the shareholders will then ballot for its ownership. The operator of this bus will then pay a certain proportion out of his weekly profits until be has cleared off the cost of the bus. The society is being promoted by Messrs. Moriarty and Levy, at18 of 30, York Road, King's Cross, London, N.1, who for several years past have directed a similar enterprise under which taxicab drivers can purchase their own cabs.
The scheme may have some features to comtnend it, but it is a little difficult to see how a number of individuallyowned vehicles can render the public the maximum service.
A Bus Workers' Convalescent Home.
The London General Omnibus Co.'s Employees' Friendly Society has recently completed the purchase of a fine house at St. Leonerds es a rest home for the use of their convalescent members. Caple-le-Ferne, which is the name of the house, is on the sea front and stands in an acre of ground, and, with its spacious garden and terraces down to the shore, it should make an ideal rest home for the company's staff members who are recuperating from illness. The L.G.O.C. staff have taken the step on their own initiative, and the money has been provided entirely by the friendly society.
The heartiest congratulations of the whole of the motor industry will be extended to Sir Edward Manville, M.P., M.I.E.E., who was elevated to a Knighthood in the Birthday Honoms.
Legal Defence for Vehicle Owners.
The cost of legal defence and legal representation has constituted somewhat of a difficulty for the National Council of the Commercial Motor Users Association, by which it has recently been carefully discussed. The Council has decided that it can continue the low annual subscription of £1 its. 6d. for all owners of one, two, or three. vehicles, but above three vehicles the fee must be 7s. fad. per vehicle, with a limit of £26 5s. Previously the fee for these extra vehicles above three was 5s. each.
The legal defence and representation scheme of the Association appliee, to all summonses in the pollee-court arising out of the use or ownership of a commercial vehicle. In all cases which are capable of being contested and in which the defendant attends at the court to give evidence, the Association instructs a solicitor to appear and pays hisfees and expenses. Members are thus saved the considerable expense of employing a local solicitor. In all cases which are not capable of being contested or in which the defendant does not attend, at the court to give evidence, the Association will for a fee of 21s.. instruct a solicitor to appear at the court on behalf of the defendant to make a etaternent in explanation or mitigation of the offence alleged. This fee, of course, is considerably less than the member would have to pay if he inetruoteda solicitor himself-. This arrangement applies to summonses against both owners and drivers, without 02( Oa annual charges for drivers.
Send Your Goods by Road.
An unfortunate result of sending goods by means other than road transport, when the latter can be taken advantage of, is exemplified by the experience of Mr. F. W. Hopper, late of Ospers, Ltd.' and now of F. Hopper and Sons, Ltd., Glasgow. This gentleman sent his household effects to Scotland by ship, and lost the whole of them in' the gale which occurred on December 22nd. He wishes to apologize to his many friends for not communicating with them this year, having also lost, his diaries containing their addresses, etc.
Karrier's London Offices.
The London offices of Karrier Motors, Ltd.', of Huddersfield, have been moved to 186, Windsor House, Victoria Street, S.W.1. The telephone number of the company remains as heretofore, viz., Victoria 2246.
We regret to learn the death of Capt. Cecil Carnage, the youngest son of Mr. A. W. Carnage, and tender our sincerest sympathies to his parents, wife, brothers and sister.
It is stated that the Ford Motor Car Co. intend to build a manufacturing and assembly plant in Chicago at a cost of 6,000,000 dollars. It is anticipated that the new plant will give employment to more than 16,000 men.
Dublin Street Cleansing.
The committee of the Dublin Corporation which was authorized to visit cities in Great Britain and France to inquireito methods of road constructioa and cleansing has submitted a report in which it states that to have the streets ofDublin regularly swept and cleaned it will be necessary to provide two motor sweepers and an additional washing machine costing £3,500, three Laffiy wagons at £ 1,390 each, 13 electric vehicles at £ 1,690 each, and other mechanical vehicles, bringing the total cost to £30,640.
The committee does not suggest. that this expenditure should be incurred immediately, but that it should be spread over a period of years.
Transport Vehicles at Wembley Exhibition.
In view of the large demand for space, particularly for the engineering and electrical eithibits, at the British Empire Exhibition, it has been found necessary to recommend the extension of the machinery ball by the addition of 70,000 sq. ft. of apace, in order to house the entire group of transport exhibits in the extension. This group will include motor vehicles of all elassea.
All the Mechanical engineering exhibits are being organized by the British Engineers' Association, and the electrical engineering exhibit* by the British Electric and Allied Manufacturers' Association, whilst the organization of exhibits of the motor vehicle and cycle industry will probably be undertaken by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders and the British Cycle and Motorcycle Manufacturers and Traders' Union, Ltd.
Birmingham Fire-fighting Developments.
The Birmingham Fire Brigade, one of the most efficient in the Kingdom, has
quite recently enlarged its complement and erected a, new station at Acock's Green, a suburb of the city. The station houses one engine, and is fitted with every up-to-date convenience. Three men are on duty in the daytime and one at night. The engine is the very latesttype Dennis, equipped with a. 60-70 h.p. Gwynn° turbine pump of 450 gallons capacity, with oil lubrication instead of the old-type grease system. Instantaneous hose Couplings are employed, and telescopic ladders are carried.
This new engine brings the total num her of fire.fighting motor vehicles in Birmingham up to 40. the majority of which namber are of Dennis make.
A Timely Hint.
Oxford Watch Committee has decided to suggest to the City of Oxford Motor Bus Co. that the time has arrived for a revision of fares.
Bus Tyre Maintenance.
Chesterfield Corporation has instructed the tramways manager to obtain quota.tions for the maintenance of motorbus tyres for a period of 12 months.
The Taxi Driver's Telephone.
Oxford Watch Committee has permated the local taxicab drivers to install a telephone in the cabmen's shelter, but will not contribute towards the cost of installation or accept any responsibility for the telephone.
A Smoke Offence.
Mr. James Hemphill, contractor, 40, James Street, Port Dundas, has lost his appeal against, his conviction for a contravention of the Glasgow Police Act (Section 31, emission of black smoke). The' smokewas from a steam vehicle, and a fine of £1 was imposed.
Scottish Road Grants.
The Ministry of Transport has just arranged to make grants from the Road Fund to local authorities amounting to 50 per cent, of the estimated cost of construction in the following cases, the figures given being the estimated cost in each case :—Middle Ward District of Lanarkshire—reconstruction of a Clyde bridge, £65,000; widening of Bardykes Highway, Blantyre, £1.300; widening of Lochend Highway, £250 widening of Condorrat Highway, £500. Burgh of Renfrew—widening of Cockles Lane, £6,000; widening of Newmains Road, £6,232; construction of a new road, £12,180
C.M.U.A. Examinations.
The 17th annual examinations of drivers will be held at various centres throughout. the country on April 28th, 1923. Members of the Commercial Motor Users Association may enter any number of their drivers free' the entries to beireceived not later than March 31st. Full particulars can be obtained from the head offices at 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1, or at any of the provinoial offices.
There will be three classes of examinations : Class 1, the National Championship examination (written and practical); Class 2, Divisional Championship examination (written and practical); Class 3, general examination ( written only). Each class is subdivided into (a) steam, (b) petrol, and (o) electric. The candidate who obtains the highest marks in each sub-class will be adjudged the national champion in that subclass, and he will also take the divisional championship for that. sub-class in the division in which he is entered, unless be has already von a divisionalchampionship. All drivers except the winners of first prizes in the National Championship will be eligible to sit for the Class 1 national championship prizes. The prizes are substantial, consisting of £10 and £5 in each sub-class of Class 1, £5 and £3 for each sub-class in Class 2, and £3 and £2 for each subclass in Class 3, or a total of 284.
Compulsory Taximeters.
Burnley Watch Committee has decided strictly to enforce the requirement that hackney carriages plying for hire shall be provided with taximeters.
Congested Blackpool.
The local taxi owners' association has complained to the Blackpool Corporation of the congested state of certain of the routes suggested fox...the proposed motorbus services.
Lights on Timber Drags.
At the St. Martin's PettySessione at Stamford recently the Marquis of Exeter called attention to several matters of importance to road users. One concerned timber drags, the point at issue being that the rear light was invariably fixed to the vehicle and not to the timber, which, in many cases, extended several feet, and in same cases yards, beyond the rear of the vehicle. The legal aspect of, the matter was considered, and the clerk stated that there must be a light on projecting timber, or a man to warn oncoming. traffic, and that timber must not project more than 6 ft. It was agreed that these users who allow timber to project.more than 6 ft. from the rear of their vehicles would be prosecuted.
Consideration for Bradford's Cab Drivers.
Tramways rearrangements which are taking place in Bradford have somewhat inconvenienced the taxicab drivers, whose stand is in. Forster Square, and as a. result the Street Drainage and Works Committee of the corporation recently decided that the shelter for these men should be permanently fixed near the ambulance box outside the head post office. It is believed thathis will be more convenient for the drivers and for those who desire to secure their services over the telephone.
Buses for Northampton.
Having secured bee power, the Northampton Corporation now proposes to inaugurate a limited service in connection with the tramways, and the TramwaysCommittee recommends the purchase from John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., of five 4-ton chassis with super-eushion tyres, at £832 per chassis, and the supply by the Brush Electric Co., Lida of five bodies. with .seating capacity for 28 passengers, at £408 .each.
Nottingham Traffic Growth.
Figures relati:ng to the amount paid in licences during the past 12 months show a striking expansiom in the num. ber of motor vehicles in use in the Nottingham City area, where the general employment by the public authorities of up-to-date appliances has proceeded coincidentlywith aimilar enterprise evidenced by private aeners.
The total revenue collected at the local taxation offices during the past year amounted to about £60,000, showing an increase of 28,000 over the sum paid in 1921. With the greatly increased reliance upon mechanical means of traction, the need for the widening of many of the city's main avenues of traffic is becoming imperative, although financial considerations preclude the present possibility of carrying out several requisite schemes in central areas where the traffic is apt to be congested.
Potteries Traffic. Problem.
Part 10 of the Bill promoted by the Stoke-on-Trent Corporation contains seven clauses dealing with hackney carriages and traffic questions. One of them empowers the corporation to re quire taximeters to be tested and inspected at intervals at the expense of the owners, such expense not to exceed 5s. per year.
So far as public vehicles are concerned, Clause 10 enables the corporatioe to grant short-period licences for vehicles to ply for hire, and by Clause 111 the corporation is given power to make bylaws for the examination and inspection of hackney carriages, and for the fixing of fares to be charged on passenger road vehicles. One of the most important clauses in the Bill is that which gives the corporation power to regulate traffic. The insertion of this clause is the outcome of the situation created by the concentration of a large number of passenger vehicles on one or two routes.
'Allen-Liversidge Dividend.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., 106, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, announce a final dividend at the rate of 9 per cent, per annum, less income-tax, for the six months ended October 31st last, making, with the interim dividend paid, 8 per cent, for the year. The transfer books of the company will be closed from January 10th-22nd, both days inclusive.
Petrol. Pump Conditions.
Kendal Streets Committee has had an application from Mr. Harry Jackson for permission to erect a swing delivery arm over the footpath from a petrol pump at his premises in Castle Street, and has re-. solved that he be requested to deliver a suitable plan. and that the erection of the arm be permitted subject to the execution of a memorandum acknowledging the encroachment and undertaking to pay an annual acknowledgment rent to be fixed by theborough surveyor and to remove the arm on six months' notice.
A Bridge in Dispute.
At a meeting of the South Shields Corporation the town clerk reported that, us instructed, he had communicated with the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Transport; to settle the difference between the Corporation and the Durham County Council on the one hand, and the 'North Eastern Railway Go. on the other, as to the works necessary to make 13oldort Lane and the Whiteleas Bridge fit for omnibus 'traffic.
'He also reported the receipt of a let-ter, from the soOcitor of the North Eastern Railway Co., asking What the corporation intend to do in this matter, and pointing out that although the corporation has no power to do so' it is still, running omnibuses Over this bridge.
The matter was referred to the tramways committee.
Motorcars for Liverpool.
A. co-ordination committee of the Liverpool Corporation recommends the purchase of -four motorcars for the general Use of the various departments. The committee gives_thn following estimate of the expense which will be incurred annually : Petrol £310, oil £125, tyres £55--£490; _wages £415, repairs £327, licences £50, insurance for cars, £50, uniforms £17, garage rent £50, interest and sinking fund £104, depreciation £100, establishment charges, £125— making a total of £1,728,
G.M.C. Models and Prices.
The 'commercial models which are being offered by General Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9, during 1923 are the model K.16 30-cwt. chassis, which is shod with giant pneumatic tyres, 39 ins. • by 5 ins, at the front and 36 ins. by 6 ins. at the rear, on the same-sized rims. Provision is :node for inflation of the tyres by the power of the engine, and the 'vehicle is titted with electric lighting. Its price is £395, and with the-self-starter £7 extra.
Model K.41 is a 2.1-3-ton chassis, shod with solid tyres. The priee of the standard model is £625, or, with special long wheelbase chassis, £645. This model is now fitted with a. special two-range transmission, which gives seven forward speedo and two reverse, -,vith a forward range of from 49 to 1 in first, speed and 7.25 to 1 in top speed. This is accomplished by means of a twospeed countershaft involving the adailion of but five extra major parts.
Avon's New Manchester Premises.
The Manchester depot of the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., was opened in 1911, and its progress has been rapid. The first premises at 229, Deansgate, son proved inadequate, so that additional accommodation was required, chiefly for the company.'s growing busi ness in solid tyres. "These extensions did not prove equal to the further increased demands for the company's products, and in 1914 still larger premises were secured at 38, King Street West: The chief reason for the present move to more extensive and commodious-prernioes in Whitworth Street West is the determination of the company to give their large solid tyre clientele the best possible service. A covered motor-way will enable wheels to be taken off and replaced under favourable conditions. and these operations will he facilitated by the close proximity of a tyre press, which enables the hugest twin tyre to be demounted in one operation. The new building has three storeys and the ground floor covers an area of 5,000 sq. ft.
The building is self-contained, and being adjacent to Deansgate_ is situated practically in the recognized motor centre of Manchester.
Provincial Tramways Report.
The report of the directors of the Provincial Tramways Co, Ltd., leathe year ended September 30th last shows that the net revenue received from the local. companies was £20,583, compared with £20,901 for the previous year. To this slim must be added £2.675, the amount brought forward from the previous year, and income-tax deducted from dividend warrants, interest and other items, 'bringing the total up to £27,666. Deductions from this sum include administration ex_Tenses (aC2,516), income-tax (£3,812), interest to the debenture holders for the year (£8,750), preference dividend for the year (£6,000), provision for incometax (23,525), and other items, bringing the fetal to £24,665, and leaving a balance of £3,001 to be carried forward,
_ The result of the year's working.has been largely affected by the widespread unem,ployment which bat -existed throughout the country., and which. has been especially felt in the dockyards and seaport. towns served by the company.
• Compulsory Comfort.
Stok-e-on-Trent Watch Committee is. now enforcing its recent order that motorbuses must have such accommodation -as to enable every person carried to sit with ease.
The Motor Museum.
At a meeting of the Bolton Watch Committee a letter was received from an official at the Science Museum, South Kensington, asking if the committee would be prepared to accept as a gift to -the Bolton Museum any of the motor vehicles, being exhibits transferred from the Motor Museum, founded in 1912 by our associate journal frk dirotar, to the Science Museum.
The committee, whilst not desirous of accepting any of the motor vehicles mentioned in the list 'accompanying the letter, recorded its thanks for the offer.
Chesterfield Licences.
Chesterfield Watch Committee has granted a licence to Mr, R. W. Ledger, 61, Lordsmill Street, for a motorbus to carry 14 passengers, to carry pleasure parties daily and also to convey miners to Williamthorpe; to Mr. James Rorison, Eldon Street, Clay Cross, for a bus to carry 17 passengers, and to ply between Chesterfield and Clay Crass daily with the exception of Sunday and Wednesday afternoon, and on condition that passengers picked up in the borough shall not be set down in the borough; and to Mr. R. Welton, High Street, Brimington, for a hue to carry 14 passengers, which is to ply between Chesterfield and Whitington Common on Saturdays.
Cumberland Road Schemes.
Road schemes involving an expenditure of £90,000 were recommended to the Cumberland County Council at a recent meeting, in order to provide work for the unemployed. The work which was suggested includes the improvement of the road between Cockermouth and Whitehaven, the construction of a loop road between Hensingha.m and Whitehaven. a .new read and bridge at Mary port, and road improvement at Cleator Moor.
Road Closures in Essex.
The Transport Ministry' intimate that it. will be prepared to make a Modified .order as regards some of the roads Which thO Essex County Council .has sought to schedule against heavy meter traffic.
Corporation Buses for Sale.
Blackpool Corporation Tramways Committee. has authorized the tramway manager to !inspect, and . if _ he deems advisable, to make an offer for the purchase of, Tilling-Stevens motorbuses fro!» Wigan Corporation, 'which is ;discontinuing its services.
Weekly Bus Seasons.
As a result of an interview with the Cleveleys Ratepayers' Association, the Blackpool Corporation Tramways. Committee has agreed to issue on the new motorbus service on the Tharnton-Cleveley:s route weekly tickets at 2s. 6c1., ovailable for one return journey per day.
Next London Parade.
The annual parade of commercial vehicles organised by tikr Commercial Motor Users kssociation for too London district will, take place on Saturday, March 24th next, the pm ado being limited to teams of three vehicles, and being promoted with the object of en: couraging drivers Lo take a persona. 'interest in the driving and . ondition of their vehicles, and to run them without accident. .
The Commercial ifatur Silver ChaT: lenge Cup, presented to the Association in 1910 ha the proprietors of 'this: journal, arid now held by Messrs. Thomas Wet'n,ered andSons, Ltd.; of Marlow, Bucks., will be awarded to the winner of the winning team, the award being accompanied by the C.M.U.A. Silver Medal. A new silver challenge cup is now offered foe drivers of the winning ..,eam, presented by Mr. E. S. Shrapnelt Nnith, C.13 E. each winning driver receiving '22 and a May ex medal.
The drivers of the runners-up team will each receive 30s, and a silver medal, the drivers of the third team will each receive 21, awards of 15s. each going to drivers of the 4th, 5th and 6tth teams, and of 10s. to the drivers of the other teams up to the 15th. Certificates of commendation will be issued to the drivers of the teams placed from 16th to 30th. The-C.M.H,A. silver medal will be given to the engineer of tho team which shows the best condition.
Covers, Lamps and Tyres on Offer.
In our last week's issue we dealt at some length with expedients and appliances for use on commercial vehicles during the winter months, and we made reference to the value of bonnet covers. Those users who take the precaution of protecting their engines with devices of this kind will be interested to learn that Wm. Huriock, Junr., Ltd., 55, Effra Road, Brixton, London, S.W.2, have in stock 1,500 new lorry bonnet covers which they are offering at 25s. each. The covers are made of the finest waterproof duck, with heavy felt and blanket lin
1322 in•gs, and are fitted with strong brass eyelets and cords for securing to the vehicle. The height of the covers is 2 IL 9 ins., the width 2 ft. 8 ins., and length 4 ft.
The company also have a number of acetylene lorry lighting sets for disposal, whilst they are offering 10,000 tyres which should particularly appeal to users of _Ford and other vehicles.
Users who vehicles have to _travel through this part'of London will be interested to learn that Messrs. Huriock have recently installed two petrol pumps, of Bowser and Gilbert and. Barker maru.factiare respectively, for the supply of .all,braliels of motor spirit, and fuel can be obtained from them by commercial vehicle or private users both by day and by ',night Preparing for Anticipated Traffic.
Such excellent, progress has been made with, the widening and improvement of public roads between Willeacle.n and Wembley Park that the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., have been able to map out and submit their tentative proposals fornew bus services to cape with the passenger traffic which is anticipated in .connection with the British Empire Exhibition.
These new services,-starting from the following ten different termini, Tottenham, Clapton, Old Ford, London Bridge Station, Camberwell, West Norwood, Victoria Station, Lower Streatham, Putney, and Richmond, are exPected to run on the day of the Football Cup Tie Final in April next.
With these new services in operation a total of over 100 miles will be added to London's bus routes, and several districts in north and north-West London will enjoy the benefit of omnibus service facilities for the first time.
At the request of the exhibition promoters, the Ministry of Transport has convened a meeting of all parties interested in local road matters and the provision of road traffic to the exhibition, in order to report progress and discuss other plans if necessary.
Local Proceedings.
Worcester City Counci1 is considering a proposal to install a 20-ton motor lorry weighbridge.
Nuneaton Town Council proposes to purchase a motor lorry at a coat not, exceeding .2225.
Chesterfield Corporation proposes to institute a system of return tickets on the motorbus services, Todmorden Corporation, which runs a motor omnibus service, has reduced fares by one halfpenny.
Leeda Waterworks Committee has ordered a further 20 h.p. petrol engine at a cost of 2300.
Leeds Corporation has arranged a motorbus service to Middleton and fixed faxes at 11 per mile.
Hamilton (Scotland) District Council is considering the desirability of providing a motorcar for road officials.
Five menth' operation of the Eastbourne Corporation's buses on Sundays • has yielded a net profit of nearly 2560., Chesterfield Watch Committee has asked a sub-committee to report as to the purchase of a tender for use at small fires.
Burnley Corporation Cleansing Committee proposes the purchase of another one-tan Ford tipping wagon at an estimated cost of 2250.
Bolton Corporation has had four tenders for the supply of a motor tipping wagon and referred them to the gas committee for consideration.
Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee has been asked to consider the desirability of providing a motorbus service to the Green Lane district.
Orrell District Council proposes to grant licences to the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for a motorbus service on Orrell Moor and St. James Roads.
At a special meeting of the South Staffordshire Joint Smallpox Hospital Board, held at Wolverhampton recently, it was decided to purchase a new motor ambulance.
Glasgow Corporation Cleansing Committee recommends the purchase of an electric vehicle from the Electromobile, Ltd., for the conveyance of refuse from the slaughter-house.
As was the case in their trading year of 1920-1921, the directors of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., did not declare any interim dividend for the past financial year, but they now annoinwc the same distribution as before, via., 10 per cent., free of tax. Northampton Watch Committee recommends the purchase of a Leyland. motor fire-engine at a cost of 21,585, kiss 10 per cent. discount. The committee reports-that it arranged to test two engines and was unanimously of opinion that the Leyland was the better. Blackpool Watch Committee has granted an application by the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for permission to run their Blackpool to Preston motor omnibus service from Messrs. S. and J. Wood's garage in Brunswick Street, in lien of from Marshall Street garage as previously sanctioned by the committee.
In our article on " Starting Engines by Compressed Air," which appeared in our last week'g issue, and which dealt with the Ida starter, we referred to the air reservoir as having a capacity of. 5 cubic ft. This should have read .5 cubic ft.