Britain is guil
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from our European correspondent
The European Court of Justice issued its judgment this week on Britain's failure to implement regulation 1463/70 of the European Council which required member states to fit and use tachographs in certain commercial vehicles. Britain has been found guilty and ordered to pay the Court costs.
The judgment means that Britain can be called before the court again if there is no early move to comply with the regulation. It is expected that nothing will be done until after a General Election.
British employers now seem more ready to accept tachographs than they were a few years ago and the trade unions have been keeping a low profile on the issue in recent months.
On Wednesday of this week Mr Jackson Moore of the United Road Transport Union, however, said that any direction to fit would lead to an all out strike which would involve both haulage and own account drivers. The way out appears for the unions to accept voluntary agreements to fit until the Government makes it law.