Communal Smalls Dispatch
Page 33
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THE Road Haulage Association is to seek support for a campaign to encourage the provision of communal dispatch points on premises occupied by several firms. This was decided following a recommendation from the Express Carriers Group at a meeting of the R.H.A. national council last week. Hauliers, states the R.H.A., report a continual increase in the amount of time spent by drivers in delivering small consignments to individual tenants in the same building. If delivery could be made to one room, preferably on the ground floor, vehicle security would be improved, congestion might be decreased and the gain in productivity would help to offset cost increases in other directions.
The national council also agreed to the payment of two further rewards to drivers who had given information leading to the conviction of lorry thieves. It was decided to support an appeal by Jack's Motors, Ltd., Blackburn, against a conviction arising from the inaccuracy of a driver's record.