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RHA helps police

8th November 1990
Page 8
Page 8, 8th November 1990 — RHA helps police
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• The Road Haulage Association is helping police clamp down on truck thefts by speeding up the flow of information to the national stolen vehicle register.

It is sending details of stolen or scrapped vehicles direct to the police's computer register: this type of crime would normally be given low priority treatment by local police stations. However, the RHA stresses that local stations must still be informed of such incidents.

Since it set up this service at the end of October, the RHA has sent details on three cases, and in one instance the vehicle has now been found.

It warns that there has been an increase in removal van thefts, and suspects that they are being stolen for the scrap metal value of their aluminium bodies.

Hauliers, regardless of whether they are RHA members, can report truck thefts to the RHA's head office on (0932) 841515. Callers Will be asked to provide details of the stolen vehicle's make, model, registration number, colour, chassis number, engine and gearbox type/serial numbers, plus details of the theft.