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CAT goes after fish

8th November 1990
Page 14
Page 14, 8th November 1990 — CAT goes after fish
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Fish distributor Charles Alexander Transport has linked up with Grimsby-based Link Fish to provide a national nextday trunking service from all major ports. Both companies are part of the Transport Development Group.

Link Fish will add its 54 vehicles based at Grimsby, Gloucester and London, to Charles Alexander's fleet, to give a combined strength of 200 trucks and 85 trailers.

The move conies two years after Charles Alexander acquired Lawrence and Rae, a South-West fish distributor. The company says it now has a presence in every fishing port in the UK.

"We will be able to develop volumes of traffic to justify investment in the vehicle and refrigeration equipment to meet the latest EC hygiene regulations," promises Ron Low, managing director of Charles Alexander Transport.

Jobs will be lost as a result of the merger between TDG Scottish companies Connal Highland and Inter-City Transport, managing director Alan Cole has admitted. Where the jobs will go has yet to be decided, he says.