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NEWS IN BRIEF Glasgow Ban: The Glasgow Corporation Ilan on

8th November 1963
Page 55
Page 55, 8th November 1963 — NEWS IN BRIEF Glasgow Ban: The Glasgow Corporation Ilan on
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

morning and late-afternooit loading and unloading over nine miles of central streets is to come into effect on November 17 for an experimental period of three months

with a possible extension to six months. If objections to the scheme (by the T.R.T.A.among others) arc maintained; a public inquiry will be held before the scheme can he made permanent.

Low-temperature Fuel: Following representations by the R.H.A.'s highways and vehicles committee, the Shell-Mex and BR, National Benzole and. Power Petroleum companies have stated that diesel fuel of improved low-tem,pera tute performance will hc sold by them during December, January and February. The Jet and Continental Oil companies have decided to provide "a greater safety margin " for the winter, Regent have promised a fuel with imprOved low-temperature characteristics, and Petrofina have also been tackling the problem.

Cleveland, so. 'Mobil and Total consider :heir existing diesel. fuels adequate for a British winter.

Mersey Transport Board? A second tunnel under the River Mersey—a two-lane link between Liverpool and Wallasey—and the formation of a Merseyside Transport Board have been recommended to local authorities in the area by technical experts working ander a special steering committee. . The new tunnel would have lanes 12-ft. wide to cope with modern commercial vehicles, which have been experiencing difficulty in the 9-ft. lanes of the old four-lane tunnel. If the local authorities agree, a Bill will he deposited in Parliament next year.