NLO I T. Acts. First, Thinks Afierwartls' 1E` VIDENCE of a lack of consultation
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at the right time between the Ministry of Transport and the former Road Transport Executive is contained in the British Transport Commission (Executives) (No. 2) Order, 1949, which came into force on June 18. The Order provides that the R.T.E. shall in future be known as the Road Haulage Executive and that a Road Passenger Executive shall be set up.
It revokes an Order, which was to have come into force on June 20, creating a "Road Goods Transport Executive" and a "Road Passenger Transport Executive." It is understood that the R.T.E. regarded the proposed names as cumbersome, and the Ministry was persuaded to change the title to " Road Haulage Executive "—but not before an unnecessary Order had been made. This instance gives point to the recent. remarks of Mr. B. G. Turner, national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, about the waste of public money involved in maintaining the Ministry in its present overgrown form.
WITH the collective record of safe VV driving for 1,100 years, 44 London Transport bus drivers were recently pre;ented with the Bronze Cross of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, together with a £10 token of recognition • from London Transport. Each of the drivers had a ,record •of 25 years' driving free from blameworthy accident. It was the largest number, of bus drivers to qualify for the award in a single year in the history of London Transport.
THE local branch of the Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association ins asked South Shields Corporation or a statement of its attitude towards he proposed nationalizatiOn of the zorporati on's' transport -uri de rtak The Asiociation:bas.peiinted out that although: -most other 'authorities in the north-east have given their. views on the subject,'and-generally iãve insisted on retaining control of their own 'undertakings, South Shields has -up To now expressed no opinion.
LAST Saturday the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., opened new premises at Regent House, 235-241, Regent Street, London, W.1, ta house the manufacturers' sales department and the export sales department.
THE forty-third edition of "The Trader Handbook," which has just been published, provides over 400 pages of useful information for manufacturers, trade suppliers and vehicle repairers. It is a buyer's guide to the motor industry.
Published by The Trader Publishing Co., Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.T, it is priced at 12s. 6d.
ASPECIAL section for tyre manufacturers is included in " The Directory of British Rubber Manufacturers and Products," which has been prepared for overseas circulation by the Federation of British Rubber Manufacturers' Associations. The Directory is printed in English, French and Spanish, and 6,000 copies are being distributed free of charge to bona-fide buyers of rubber products throughout the World.
AT last the Minister of Local Government has approved the replacement of the trams in Colombo, Ceylon, by trolleybuses. Mr. R. Canagarayer, one of the municipal engineers,•is at present in the' United Kingdom studying the operation of trolleybuses. Operators.. Eight. Plan for Ceylon QEVERE criticism of the report on transPort in Ceylon, recently submitted by Mr. Donald Rutnam, an independent adviser to the Government, has been made by operators of passenger and goods vehicles.
The All-Ceylon Omnibus Companies Association declares that Mr. Rutnam has, in effect, prepared a scheme to prop tip the railways, which, in the Association's view, are not necessary for the maintenance of the economic structure of Ceylon. lf the Government and the people were convinced that the railways should be maintained, the bus companies would, however, agree to any sound propiAtil for subsidizing them in the national interest.
The railways were normally useless and uneconomic, and the principle of subsidizing them . would involve the country in living in a permanent state of war economy.
Among other proposals by Mr. Rutnam to which the Association objects is one that the Government should appoint nominees on the hoards of bus companies, and another that a single control body should be -set up.
The Colombo Lorry Owners' Association and Lorry Owners' Union of Galle have both condemned Mr. Rutnam's proposals.
Sir John Kotelawala, Minister of.
Transport, has appealed to bus operators to take a broad view of the problem
of devising a suitable system of transport for the island. He is to prepare a White Paper on the subject, as well as a draft ordinance.
DkoPosAis to increase the taxation
on Elicitor vehicles have been introduced in Madras Legislafive Assembly by Mr. B. Gopala Reddi, the Finance Minister. It is suggested that the taxation on buses used on urban services and on goods vehicles should be raised by 50 per cent.
ANEW pocket-size fan-belt guide has just been published by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Gt.
Britain), Ltd. Goodyear V-belts and flat belts are listed in group order number, V-belts also being quoted in order of outside length. A chart quoting the corresponding competitive fan-belt number is included.
DART III of Volume 29 of "Traffic 1 Cases" has now been published by Sweet and Maxwell, Ltd., 2-3 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. Among the important cases included are those of B. Booth, Ltd., and B. E. Barrett, Ltd., both of which dealt with changes of base.
THE Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Tachbrook Road, Leamington Spa, has recently issued a catalogue dealing with Lockheed hydraulic servo systems. It contains a number of explanatory drawings, accompanied by a lucid description of how the system functions.