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Alternative to CPC

8th February 1996
Page 20
Page 20, 8th February 1996 — Alternative to CPC
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

David Harris's article on the CPC (CM 25-31 Jan) illustrated the reasons why the exam has a bad name. The five-day course wasn't learning; it was a cramming session.

The CPC syllabus, if taught properly, can be a useful method of teaching people the fundamentals of transport. Unfortunately, it is often taught under intensive conditions which devalues it.

Contrast this with the other route to professional competence offered by the Chartered Institute of Transport—the Certificate in Transport. To gain this the student will study, part-time, for six to eight months before a rigorous assessment.

If we are serious about improving standards in our industry then surely this example shows the way we should approach training. John Robson,

Robson Training Services.

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