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Q Could you suggest a suitable publication dealing briefly with the rules and regulations governing road transport?

8th December 1967
Page 63
Page 63, 8th December 1967 — Q Could you suggest a suitable publication dealing briefly with the rules and regulations governing road transport?
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

AThere are too many regulations for any

brief guide! As a start you should obtain the sectional list No. 22 published by HMSO giving a guide to publications issued by the Minister of Transport.

Despite the undoubted difficulty which many laymen have in understanding official language, the actual regulations themselves must form the basis of any objective study of this subject.

However, in addition to the actual regulations a standard work in this field with explanations in layman's language is Road Transport Law published by lliffe Books Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, SE1, price 25s, by post 25s 11d.