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Police Inquiries into Trade -Dispute

8th December 1950
Page 39
Page 39, 8th December 1950 — Police Inquiries into Trade -Dispute
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

I N the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. Heald asked the Attorney-General whether he Would institute proceedings againSt the organizers, and particularly the chairman and secretary of the works committee of Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd., to restrain them from conspiring against and unlawfully intimidating fellow trade unionists employed at the works. He also asked that the matter should be considered urgent, as some of the threats. involved might lead to physical violence.

Replying, Sir Hartley Shaweross said that although he knew of a strike at Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., and had directed police inquiries into certain aspects of it, he had not been informed of the matter to which the question related. In so far as those matters concerned industrial relations, they were for the Minister of Labour. He had caused police inquiries to be made. so that the question whether any breach of the criminal law was. involved might be considered.