EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES , T HE Algerian Public Transport Co. is inviting tenders
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for the supply of 10 trolleybuses with seating capacities of 100-140. Manufacturers should contact M. le Directeur des Chemins de Fers sur Routes d'Algirie, 21. Rue Alfred de gusset, Algiers, notifying him of their interest and submitting. references.
The Director of the Commerce and Industries Department (Central Stores Purchase Branch), Hyderabad, requires tenders for the supply of a number of tippers.
PYE RADIO.FOR KENT AMBULANCES TWO-WAY radio is to be installed in .11. eight Kent County Council ambulances for operation around the Medway towns. The control room for the ambulance services is at Rochester and there is a transmitter at Bluebell Hill, 31 miles away.
The equipment and installation are costing 0,600. Pye Telecoriimunicalions, Ltd., is carrying out the work. 155