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HIGHER PAY FOR ENGINEERS TNSKILLED workers in the engineering industry

8th December 1950
Page 35
Page 35, 8th December 1950 — HIGHER PAY FOR ENGINEERS TNSKILLED workers in the engineering industry
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

are to receive an increase in wages of 8s. a week, bringing them up to a minimum of ES a week. Skilled workers are to be paid another I Is. a week, making a minimum of £5 18s.

Workers whose bonus payments bring their earnings above the minimum rates will receive smaller increases. Unskilled men receiving between £4 I8s. and £5 6s. a week will be paid £5 6s., the skilled men earning between £5 17s. and £6 8s. will receive £6 8s.

The Society, of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has not yet been iible to' assess the effect of these increases on the commercial vehicle industry or on the prices of vehicles.


THE decision in the Urquhart appeal was announced last week. Earlier proceedings were reported in " The Commercial Motor" dated Nov em

ber 10. Mr. W. J. Urquhart, of Slough, had appealed against the Metropolitan Licensing Authority's refusal to grant him a B licence for four vehicles.

• The Road Haulage Executive had Maintained that the vehicles in its Slough group Were sufficient for the needs of the area, but the Appeal Tribunal, in the absence of proof of any increase in the group's facilities, granted the appellant a B licence for two vehicles.