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New transport management course

8th April 1966, Page 43
8th April 1966
Page 43
Page 43, 8th April 1966 — New transport management course
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fr May 6 a new transport management course is to start at South Dorset Technical College, Newstead Road, Weymouth. The tutor will be Mr. A. J. Briscoe, and the course will be in the form of nine daily sessions (each on a separate subject): May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 10, 17, 24 and July 1, 8. Fee for the whole course is 15 gns., or single days may be attended for 3 gas.

Subjects range from management structure and traffic office organization to vehicle opera ting, law, human relations and budgeting of costs. Each session will comprise a lecture, discussions and questions.

Detailsand application forms can be obtained from the College's department of business studies at the above address (tel. Weymouth 3133/4).