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Kariba Dam Vehicles in Scotland

8th April 1960, Page 54
8th April 1960
Page 54
Page 54, 8th April 1960 — Kariba Dam Vehicles in Scotland
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SIX vehicles, originally designed for earth-moving work on the Kariba dam project, and since adapted, are to be hired out on civil engineering work in Scotland by Greenham (Plant Hire), Ltd., Raywards, Airdrie.

The company were granted an A licence at Glasgow last week 'for six tractors of 141 tons and six semi-trailers of 15+ tons. The normal user is " earth, clay, rock from sites in Scotland, but within 10 miles radius of any site on which employed."

Mr. J. Law, appearing for the concern, produced evidence from Mr. Andrew Currie, branch manager, to show that the 7-cu.-yd. machines had limited scope for road work. They would not be used as vehicles of the normal type over any distance, but the concern were anxious to define what could legally be done with them.

u20 Six units might be required on one site at any given time. Contracts were already available, and further projects were pending.

Representatives of three Scottish civil engineering companies confirmed the suitability of the machines for their type of work. It was stated that Greenham were plant hirers and would not themselves operate the units.

Mr. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing Authority, granted the application in full.

FLEET RENEWAL IN DANGER FINLESS revenue improves there will 1/4-) be insufficient funds to renew the fleet, says Sir Thomas Strangman, chairman of the Singapore Traction Co., Ltd. The solution of the problem is an increase in fares, which has to be sanctioned by the Singapore Government. The company want to operate new routes.