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Machine Fell From Lorry on By-pass

8th April 1960, Page 45
8th April 1960
Page 45
Page 45, 8th April 1960 — Machine Fell From Lorry on By-pass
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HOW a piece of machinery weighing 5 cwt. fell from the back of a lorry. travelling on the Colchester by-pass was described to Colchester magistrates, on Tuesday, when the driver and owners of the vehicle pleaded guilty to offences under the Construction and Use Regulations, 1955,

The driver, George Frederick Eames, Warren Crescent, Shirley, Southampton, was fined a total of £10, and the owners, the Beaufort Shipping Co., Ltd., 18-19 Whitefriars Street, London, E.C.4, paid a total of £20.

The charges included carrying an insecure load, and using a lorry with two tyres, the rear body support, platform floorboards and rear near-side spring in a dangerous condition.

"It was the first time I had taken this vehicle out," said Eames. "If I had refused to drive it I would have been sacked," he added.

For the company, it was stated that it was the vehicle's last journey before going into the garage for a complete body rebuild. They did not maintain their own vehicles. This work was left to a garage.

HEAVIEST AIR LOAD TO U.S.A. ? A CONSIGNMENT of 370 Astral .1-1. refrigerators, weighing 14+ tons, sent to the U.S.A. by Morphy-Richards, Ltd., was believed to be one of the heaviest loads ever to have been flown across the Atlantic. The refrigerators were taken from the company's factory in Dundee to Prestwick airport in an Albion-Taskers articulated boxvan to be loaded on a K.L.M. Super Constellation.

Road vehicles met the aircraft at Idlewild airport, New York, and the goods were delivered to the consignees within 48 hours of leaving Dundee.


ANEW remould operations division has been formed by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. It will have full control of all remould activities within the company, including production, distribution and marketing.

The division will be managed by Mr. M. I. Colson, who has previously been in charge of remould plants and sales. Mr. P. C. Wortley will remain in charge of production.

DATE. MAY BE ALTERED frlIE Government may change the date

for the end of March from March 24 to March 31, for the purpose of paying refunds on surrendered vehicle Excise licences. This was stated on Tuesday by Mr. A. D. Kirby at a meeting of the London County Council. Mc said that other changes in the licensing system were envisaged.

SPECIALLOID EXPAND THE Airedale works of R. H. I Mackenzie, Leeds, have been taken over by Specialloid, Ltd., as part of an expansion programme.