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Keep on taking the tablets

7th May 1983, Page 46
7th May 1983
Page 46
Page 46, 7th May 1983 — Keep on taking the tablets
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PLEAS by the Road Haulage Association for a defence of "due diligence" in overloading cases will, I am afraid, always fail, but David Howell's alternative to irksome prosecutions for minor accidental infringements of axleweight limits is far removed from reality.

The Transport Secretary pins his faith to a "cheap, reliable axle overloading indicator on the vehicle," says the Association. But one thing is certain: if a reliable indicator is ever developed, it will not be cheap. It may also become a compulsory fitting, like a tachograph, requiring costly calibration and certification.

Ulcers will continue to be an occupational hazard of transport men, to whom the only advice I can offer is to carry on taking the tablets.