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Don't let Swedes beat you to it

7th May 1983, Page 46
7th May 1983
Page 46
Page 46, 7th May 1983 — Don't let Swedes beat you to it
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A THREE-DAY VISIT to Hungary by 160 Swedish travel agents makes me wonder whether British Continental coach-tour operators are missing anything. The Hungarian chamber of Commerce says the visitors "were acquainted with the full range of Hungary's offer in the way of tourism: classical tourism, hobby and sport programmes and the prospects for therapeutic tourism."

On classical tours coach drivers would, naturally, wear togas and laurel wreaths, and couriers' commentaries would be delivered in Latin. On a typical hobby and sport holiday the happy routists might do fretwork while alternately kicking footballs and performing the czardas from Budapest to Szeged.

And what could be more stimulating than a 14-day therapeutic tour of massage parlours and goulash sauna baths?